so things have been alright the new job at the marriott
i love it
except i dont get to see tricia as often
and i think im about to see her even less.
i think im going to make an offer to clean the theater on weekends
$250 - 300 a week
ill work from about 2am til whenever
and then come home go to sleep,
then go to Marriott
itll be fun...oh wait, no it wont
but thats how things have to be
everyday with tricia gets better
we leave for Las Vegas in 3 hours...
i still have to do dishes and pack...
yeah yeah yeah
so for those of you who dont already know
i was arrested on thursday
i was pulled over for speeding
then taken to the detention center for..
non payment of fines
the payment below will show you how hardcore i am
i tried to make my self look like a badass in the picture just to frighten all of you. a camera so im gonna post pics when we get back
well gotta go, i hope you guys enjoy the photo