(no subject)

Mar 06, 2006 08:51

By Michael W. Ford

ISBN 978-1-4116-8136-1
455 pages, 6.0" x 9.0", perfect binding, black and white interior ink AVAILBLE FROM LULU.COM for the price of $20.53
Amazon.com and other distributors will be have BOOK OF THE WITCH MOON soon.
HARDBACK EDITION (Hecate Edition) is available direct from the publisher, LULU.com for the price of $35.37 - NOTE: Hardback and softcover have the same material, the Hecate-Hardback has a different cover and an invocation of Hecate on the back. The contents are the same as the Choronzon Edition.

Printed: 455 pages, 6.0" x 9.0", jacket-hardcover binding, 50# cream interior paper, black and white interior ink , 100# exterior paper, full-color exterior ink

The Choronzon edition of BOOK OF THE WITCH MOON is the completely new version which is extended to 455 pages, with new chapters and material. The grimoire is centered around the cult of Hecate, from the practice of Luciferian and Satanic Witchcraft which exalts the dark feminine and masculine as a balanced perspective of magick. Containing both old and new sections, a focus on the path of vampirism, or predatory spiritualism is a foundation focus of the Luciferian Path. LIBER NEHEBKAU, ORIGINS OF THE VAMPIRE IN ANCIENT EGYPT, THE TUAT - Abode of the Serpents of the Evil Eye, LIBER AAPEP, VAMPIRISM AND THE RED AND BLACK SERPENT, Vampirism as Technique, The Nine Angles, THE HELL GATES OF DUZHAHU, INVOCATION OF ASTWIHAD & DRUJ NASU - THE BLACK SUN RITE OF VAMPIRISM, Nature is More Atrocious - Sex Magick andThe Birth of a Lunar Intelligence, The Nine Angles and Satanic Magick - A study of the symbolism of the ONA, ALPHABET OF DESIRE, A Ritual of Qlippothic Descent and Luciferian Ascent, Shades of Algol, The Sabbats, CHI AS THE ELIXIR OF IMMORTALITY and much more. Introduction by Peter J. Carroll, author of Liber Null/Psychonaut and Liber Kaos writes “If you choose to embrace and live the cthonic murk and stygian darkness of the following chapters you will certainly get some return on your investment of belief, for it has been well crafted by a master.Beware of the pale Hecate. Create your Gods with care, for they will reform you in their own image.”

The Choronzon Edition of BOOK OF THE WITCH MOON presents the forbidden works of Chaos, Vampiric and Luciferian Sorcery. Containing a grimoire outlining the dark feminine current of HECATE, the book outlines the practice of Satanic or Luciferian Witchcraft from a Cunning craft viewpoint. Witch Moon explores ritual and dream Lycanthropy, Chaos Sorcery and Luciferian Ritual practice. The foundation of Book of the Witch Moon is in the darksome practice of Vampirism and Predatory Spirituality. The Nine Angles and the Trapezoid workings, inspired by Anton LaVey and presented around the cult of Daeva-Yasna, the persian demon-sorcery of Yatuk Dinoih.Contains the Rituals of Dream, ritual and astral vampirism as an initiatory tool, other Cabalistic workings presenting the Qlippoth and the Tree of Da’ath or hidden wisdom. Contains the Grimoire based on Ancient Egyptian Vampirism, LIBER AAPEP, Luciferian Magick practice,The Chaos Cult Workings of Choronzon as Vampire, The Rites of Hecate, the Infernal and Luciferian Sabbat, and the foundations of Satanic practice in Magick. Containing in this massive grimoire is also a study of the ORDER OF NINE ANGLES from a Luciferian perspective, centered around their forbidden workings including the appearance of Lilith-Babalon as Baphomet, the Mistress of Blood. Illustrated Elda Isela Ford Nathaniel Harris (Author of WITCHA - Book of Cunning) and various other sources.
The Book of Left Hand Path Witchcraft and Adversarial Sorcery, the very foundation of the Luciferian Gnosis from a modern perspective of practice. This is the ritual-chaos of Vampirism and predatory spirituality. “Can you look into the Eye of Algol, blazing darkness and embers of blackened light? Would you work in the Eye of Algol, from wherein Lilith and Ahriman would devour you? the Eye in the Flesh (Algol fallen) is Cain, Wherein Lucifer dwells, the inner imagination and fire of the self as God. When Algol falls into flesh, and the Eye opens in the clay, the knife falls into Abel, in a swift orgasmic passion of self-love .To know Cain is to know Life, the possibility and the gaping void of death….”
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