Mar 20, 2005 18:48
Jogging 3 miles can make you feel like Jell-o.
So far today hasn't been that bad.
Didn't goto church today, mom didn't wake me up for it again. We had a conversation last night about me going with her, she wants me to want to go to learn and believe. I go to help her with her Sunday School kiddies, it's kind of relieving. Maybe she didn't want to take me 'cause "I'm going for the wrong reason"? ::Shruggle::.
After sleeping-in for a good 10 hours, we all went to my neice's birthday party. About 15 kids + pool= boringness! It wasn't bad, just didn't have anything to do, really. Stuffed my face, then after two hours of that, left.
Now I just got back from jogging. I'm tired, my legs hurt, my breathing is kind of off, but endorphins are pulsing through my body :).
Only 30 more minutes until Sunday evening television. Isn't life just so interesting? /sarcasm.
Oh great, now I have Hillary Duff(sp?) stuck in my head >.O