Another Post or a Ramble. You decide.

Jun 28, 2012 20:04

Hello Everyone!

It has been a couple of months since I have posted but things have been kinda crazy for me. Work has it's up and downs. Some weeks it's super busy and other weeks it is snail crawling slow. I also have been trying to take time just to enjoy doing what I want to do and try not to have regrets. I think I am off to a good start.:)

I got my car a couple of months ago and I am still getting use to having one again. I also have a name for him - Wallace or Wall-e for short. Since I think I got some much needed independence and freedom because of him, the name comes from the movie Braveheart. Also really liked the movie Wall-E.

I have been reading a lot more than usual. Not just stories on the Internet but paperbacks and hardcovers. Right now I am re-reading the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton. When ever a new book is released that is part of a series I have to read all the preceding books over again. I want to make sure I have not missed anything and the characters are more easy to keep track of. Also they are great books so it is a treat to read them again.

I have also been thinking of picking up drawing again. I use to draw in high school and the beginning of college but life and work got in the way and I stopped. I don't think I am that great but sometimes I would draw something and surprise myself with how decent it was. No regrets right, so maybe.....

I also have a spark of a story rattling around in my brain that I am writing down but I "think" better than I write, if that makes any sense?.? Will see how that turns out.

Well I think I posted enough (or rambled enough) and I don't want to bore y'all too much so until the next time.....No Regrets and Happy Living!:p
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