Long time no post......

Oct 08, 2011 12:20

Man, it's been a crazy 3 months! I been running on fumes and red bull. I want to get a new car so I got a second job. The sleep has all but disappeared and the work has gotten all RUSH, RUSH!

My birthday was in September but was unable to take off like I normally do so I really, really want to just take two weeks and disappear - not worry about work, family troubles, and money. Just find a place and be zen like. But much to my crying self I will be unable to for a couple of months. (If I am lucky!) I did go out on my birthday, something I normally don't do - not a dancer (it's a crime to call what I do dancing!) and I don't want to be picked-up by a drunken stranger that's only looking for one thing. But it was fun and I also dressed up more then I normally do - more girlie. ,)

Have been reading when I am able and so far found some great stories on LJ and FF. I do have some books that I bought on my iPad and at the store that I have not had the time to read much look at. :( Which is weird since I can read them anytime I want without looking and being in a wi-fi zone. :?

Will got to get ready for the day but everyone try to have a wonderful day, week, month, or year. Just depends on when I post again! BYE!
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