I am sure you will be reading these all day, and I know that I haven't had a real update in weeks, but I am going to add my 2 cents about 9/11. I didn't know anyone who died on 9/11/01, but like many Americans, my life changed. I was pregnant with Four and cleaning houses for a living. I was also a Republican and a staunch Bush supporter - funny how things can change in 5 years huh?
Then again some things haven't changed. We have given up many personal freedoms in the name of security,(
simplecity2htwn mentions some of them) but honestly, how much more safer are we today on 9/11/2006 then we were on 9/11/2001? I see more viglance, but not necessairly more safety.
I worked through out the day, but in the houses that my crew and I cleaned, we kept the television on. We did a shitty job that day to say the least. My boss, who was also a very close friend, should have just sent us home and we could have rescheduled the houses for the next day. But we didn't.
One of the strangest things was not hearing the planes taking off and landing. I live 2 miles from the Memphis airport, which is also the World hub for Fed Ex - so there are a ton of planes coming and going. But the silence was deafening. When the planes finally started to fly again, I stayed scared for like a week, wondering if what happened on 9/11 could happen again.
I admit, I haven't wanted to commemerate this day. I think that in 2001 I was glued to the television for days, and I have an excellent memory, I don't want to relive the fear and terror that was in my heart that day. But yet, this morning, CNN is on my television, and I can still feel the fear. It's not as intense, but it's there. Eventually, I will do what I did that day. In 2001, every channel had news feeds about the WTC, United 93 and the Pentagon, EXCEPT Nickelodeon. So in a short bit, I will do what I did 5 years ago - turn the channel, cuddle with my kids and watch some cartoons. Because SpongeBob and friends can help make the scared feelings go away.