Ok because of
dawn_aldridge your going to get the details.
Last night left me unsatisified, very unsatisified. Sure, I could get myself off, but I am getting tired of doing that. Lately, sex (when it does happen) has been get it up, get it in, get it on, and get it off. I know that I haven't been feeling well, and I get into bed at around 10 every night, but damn - when I tell you that I'm not wet - that means, play with kitty a little more and make her feel good before you fuck it. Or come to bed with me every once in a while instead of playing that motherfucking PlayStation 2!! We have this nice new awesome bed and we have only screwed in it twice - we have had it for 2 and a half weeks, ugh! I can walk up to him and say "hey I want you" and hes like I'm not really in the mood. I am beginning to feel that he will never be in the freaking mood again.
I am one of the lucky women who have vaginal orgasms, and while those are nice - there is NOTHING like having a clitoral orgasm. Men only have one type of orgasm, so you can't explain it to them - they just don't get it. There are just times when you need to have a clawing at the sheets and tossing your head around trying not to scream so the kids don't wake up orgasm.
Things HAVE been weird around here. Being pregnant does wonders for a girl's sex drive, yep - murders it, deader than dead! Add that to I haven't felt well for awhile, and then James new job and the fucktards that run that company. Stress will kill a sex life, and I think that it has murdered ours.
There have been a few times lately that I have just dug out the magic bullet and started to take care of myself. That seems to get him excited, but instead of taking over for the bullet, he waits until I am done and then does his business.
Normally we communicate about everything, but lately one of us is always on the defense and will rip the others head off. Some of this is a communication problem, I know this, but I think "eat my pussy, it feels real good" is pretty damn clear, wouldn't you?
Our sex life has always been good. No matter if we are with others, he is still the one that rocks my world, time and time again. Something is missing right now, and I feel like I can't find it, and there are times when I am still jsut too tired to find it!
So there the details - they weren't good ones, maybe soon I can post about a mind blowing experience, but for not I guess it's me and my trusty bullet!