app for paradisa

Nov 30, 2010 03:11

NAME: Gage
AIM: rawrazombie

FANDOM: The World Ends With You
CANON: Post-Game
WHAT THEY LOST: His ability to hear music

ABOUT THE CHARACTER: Neku's towards others is very straight forward at the beginning of the game. He's anti social and hates pretty much everyone. The only thing he likes is a company named CAT, whose graffiti he often lingers near. Other than the graffiti, he can't stand Shibuya at all. The noise, the crowds... he hates them all. His view on the world is pretty diluted at the beginning of the game, but it is remedied at the end. Post game Neku is a bit more social, albeit a slight bit skeptical still. He'll get to know someone, but he'll only trust them once he truly knows everything about them.

Various events that happen in the game have made Neku the way he is at the end. In the first week he almost erases Shiki, his first partner, and sees a young girl named Rhyme get erased in a trap set by the Reapers. This week starts to make him care a bit about other people, namely Shiki, as he shows this in the second week.

His entry fee for the first week was his memories, but in the second week his entry fee was Shiki. He puts his life on the line again to save her, and continues to grow more fond of her. He makes a pact with a boy named Joshua, who annoys him constantly during the week and Neku doesn't quite trust him. They also encounter Beat, Rhyme's older brother, during this week and learn that he joined the Reapers. At the end of the week, Joshua takes a fatal hit for Neku and gets erased. Neku feels guilty about him dying, since he accused Joshua of killing him, and never got to apologize. He moved onto the final week, vowing not to use Joshua's sacrifice in vain.

In the final week, he has to fight for everyone. The entry fee for this week was every other player in the Reaper's Game. At the beginning of the game he wouldn't have cared if everyone was gone. Since he's met so many people that helped him throughout the Game though, he agrees to return the favor. As he's about to get erased (since there's no players and hence, no pacts to be made), Beat appears and makes a pact with him, leaving the Reaper's side. He helps Beat fight for Rhyme's pin, and becomes friends with him. They proceed to fight until they confront Kitaniji, but someone else appears to join the fight. Joshua, who is very much alive, gets absorbed by Kitaniji.

After the fight, Joshua is freed and presents Neku with a twist to the storyline... Joshua really did kill him, and he's really the Composer. Neku is enraged by this, someone he thought was his friend lied to him in so many ways. Joshua then presents him with a duel proposal, and they both point guns at each other. If Neku was the same at the beginning of the game, he would probably shoot Joshua, but since he's learned to trust other people he lowers his gun. Joshua shoots, but decides not to destroy Shibuya, and brings Neku back to life.

Neku is seen at the end of the game alive, and hanging out with Shiki, Beat, and Rhyme. Hanging out with people is not something he would've done at the beginning of the game, and he thought Shibuya was too noisy and too crowded. After all these events, his views were opened up and he doesn't mind people as much.

Neku has a decent sense of humor too, although he can't take some jokes. His attitude on things he doesn't like (namely Joshua) is dripping with sarcasm. Most jokes his friends make are taken with stride though, since he'll just dish them right back.

THIRD-PERSON WRITING SAMPLE: Great... just great. There he was, thrown into another situation that he had no idea how he'd even gotten into in the first place. Neku had thought he would be done with things like this, but he guessed not. He just sat up and dusted off his shorts, pushing his hands into his pockets to make sure everything was there.

Phone, check. Pins (even if they wouldn't be too useful, unless he was in the UG), check. MP3 Player, check. Everything was there, and everything was normal, with the exception of the whole "new location" thing. There was only one thing he could say in a situation like this, so he just crossed his arms and blurted it out. "This is really weird."

Neku simply glanced around; it looked like something Josh would think up. Could he be behind something like this? He was the Composer of Shibuya after all, so this shouldn't have been much trouble to make up. "A castle built in his greatness or something stupid like that. Sounds about right for a guy like him." He pulled his headphones up onto his ears, slid the volume of his MP3 player up, and quickly glanced at his hand before stuffing it back into his pocket. Welp, he'd better get to exploring, then. There was plenty of ground to cover, and despite there not being a timer, he was still a bit wary. Who knew what Josh could be up to this time. And if he wasn't not behind it, who was? Questions like that could wait for later, though, as he pushed the doors of the castle open to enter Cair Paradisa. Who knew what he could expect there, but it wouldn't be something he couldn't handle, right?

FIRST-PERSON WRITING SAMPLE: So I guess Joshua isn't behind all of this. [He flips through a couple pages of the journal, reading it over.] Great. At least Joshua is something I can handle, compared to 'Surprise Neku, welcome to a castle that kidnaps you!' Tch... [It's not even that believable. And man, all these people I mean, sure, he's been 'broadening his horizons' or whatever, but he's still not the pinnacle of human interaction.] ... Can someone fill me in? Thanks.

INTENT: Apping because of the cast, people asking me to, etc. Aaaand yeah don't know what I'd like to do with this character as of yet. \o/

!ooc, !app

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