[prowling RV]

Nov 21, 2006 01:13

It was -- good, to be able to prowl through the carnage of the recent attacks without feeling the mind-numbing drain of having nearly no reserves left, or trying to hold together mangled systems and ignore the sparks of pain. The stranger-medics had done a better job than he could remember in the recent past, and it made him regret his initial mistrust and hunger.

Even more reassuring was meeting Mega, and Iris, and Colonel ... for the first time since the Virus came and the sky fell, he had been treated like a person and not just a hunting creature. It was a new sensation, and Nightmare was sincerely grateful for their attentions.

But now -- now there were Hunters to find (they were here, he was told they were here), and ...

.. and ... to find him, the shining hated hungered-for blue-armoured saint.

The one who killed him, the one he promised to kill. He owed that much to the shining light, for failing it in the end.

The medics had told him of Vanishing Court; of the 'Hunters' that could be found there. It was time to try and find the place, now that he was stronger; and the systemry he pulled and devoured from the departed as he picked his way through the destruction ... well, that was the best he could manage now that the medics had locked down on his Soul-luring Nightmare. Even the restoration of his reserves hadn't quite taken the edge off of the hunger.
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