Dear Heart Attack Writer,

Nov 13, 2020 22:31

Thank you so much for writing for me! I've given a few prompts here, but really, I absolutely adore all these fandoms and if something else inspires you, go for it!

僕だけがいない街 | Boku dake ga Inai Machi | ERASED (Anime & Manga)
Group: Fujinuma Satoru/Yashiro Gaku

I'm all in it for mind games and manipulation and dysfunctional relationships that shouldn't work but do. I love the weird age gap dynamic of "old enough to be my father" except there's also time travel involved so things get messy. I love the whole part where Yashiro feels completely empty until he fails to kill Satoru and actually stops kidnapping and murdering because he's too busy shaving Satoru's face and cutting apples for him. Most of all, I just really love the idea of neither one of them being able to completely change the other - Yashiro will probably always be a sociopath and Satoru can't stop trying to save people.

Please don't make this too bleak and realistic - it's a dark canon, but it's one where I appreciate a little black humor to it. I'd like Yashiro to also have some manipulative ambiguity; please don't make him nothing but a psychotic monster. And I would prefer not to see Satoru paired with other characters, since it's not why I'm really drawn to this fandom.

DNWs: Permanent nominated character death, animal harm, extreme underage (16 and up is fine), bodily fluids (blood is fine), focus on unrequested pairings involving nominated characters (brief references to canon ships not involving Satoru are fine).

  • Yashiro isn't been stupid enough to try and murder a kid in the hospital that everyone knew he was connected to and as a result, Satoru's plan fails. Now, it's a cat and mouse game between the two as Satoru continues to try to prove that Yashiro's a killer - and Yashiro's torn between murder and some strange feeling that might be... love?
  • Satoru never regains his memories and Yashiro plays the doting former teacher, trying to figure out if he's faking since he wants to know exactly how Satoru knew his future.
  • Satoru and Sachiko move before Yashiro can become Satoru's teacher. One day, Satoru meets the politician Nishizono Manabu and feels a strange connection.

Sneakers (1992)
Martin Bishop/Cosmo (Sneakers)

Whether you view it as jilted ex-lover or just brokenhearted best friend, it's pretty clear Cosmo's torn between being furious at Martin for his perceived abandonment and his desire to work with him again as partners. There are so many points where his plans would have worked so much better if he had just killed Martin and yet he can't even pull the trigger at the end when he's got him dead to rights. (Okay, yeah, he did tell that guy to kill his friend, but I have to believe he knew Martin would get out of it because he knows him.)

I'd really like something set in the present to post-movie part - their backstory is tragic and sets up the conflict well, but I like them as older men, having to deal with perceived betrayals, double crosses, and nebulous plans. Plus, Redford and Kingsley have such chemistry and their scene when they first meet up after years apart? Oh, that's good stuff. Martin's relationship with Liz is fine to reference, but if it's included, I'd like it to be one isn't a romantic one (ex-lovers to platonic best friends now).

DNWs: Permanent nominated character death, animal harm, extreme underage (16 and up is fine), bodily fluids (blood is fine), focus on unrequested pairings involving nominated characters (past Martin/Liz is fine).

  • It seems the movie leaves a couple of big plot points dangling at the end - Cosmo's still out there with the Mafia and Martin and the gang are kind of being public with their hacking. What happens when people do the math and Martin has to go on the run from multiple people with Cosmo, who may or may not also be on the run?
  • What if the ending was just a dream and Martin wakes up to Cosmo scowling at him because either he fell off the roof at the climax or Cosmo really did shoot him and then immediately regretted it (he totally spent day and night at Martin's bedside until he woke up but denies it). I would also not be averse to Martin realizing, wait a second, aren't I supposed to be in a hospital and Cosmo looking shady and maybe he might have kidnapped him, but it's fine because the feds were looking for you anyhow and they can't be allowed to get their hands on you.
  • Martin doesn't refuse Cosmo the first time he asks him to join him, or Cosmo decides that he'll have Martin working with him no matter what cost (or threat/blackmail). How do they work together, considering Martin willingly does at the end something similar (even if it's small scale) to what Cosmo wanted all along?

The Frankenstein Chronicles (TV)
John Marlott/Daniel Hervey

This show got me and it got me good right at the end of the first season when John's waking up from being dead and Daniel's just gazing at him in adoration, like he doesn't care that John's been trying to foil his plans this entire season (whether he knew it or not), because this is the best thing he could have ever done in his life and oh, he's just so lovely and perfect and hey, I cured your venereal disease while I was at it too! He's just so happy about it and meanwhile John is naked and thinking “I hate my life.” It's just so beautiful.

So give me mad science and corpse detectives that can see ghosts and creepy supernatural mysteries with answers that seem to tie back to people meddling with life after and death and above all, John and Daniel and their connection as creator and creation. I really loved how John is definitely older than Daniel, and yet Daniel is the one that takes on the role of father in many respects, being the one that brought him back to life.

I haven't really mentioned Jemima - I'm definitely fine with her being in the picture, whether as a living sister or a dead memory/ghost that haunts the two of them, but I would like the focus (and any romantic interaction if you go that way) to be on the two of them.

  • John's a complete blank slate when he's brought back to life, which means he doesn't remember anything about the man who's smiling at him and holding him tight. And Daniel, for his part, decides why risk such a pristine creation by letting it ever go free?
  • John doesn't die to the gallows, but Daniel still gets a hold of him regardless - maybe John never investigates the murders, but does stumble into his clutches because of his disease. And Daniel isn't one to waste a good man.
  • I'd also love something where they've known each other for years - who knows how they met, but it means that when John realizes just what his old companion is up to, it hurts that much more. And Daniel, for his part, is deeply regretful and will definitely make it up to him. John just has to die first.

Deus Ex (Video Games)
Adam Jensen/David Sarif (Deus Ex)

I love the two of them together - I'm very much into the boss/employee, quasi-paternal relationship they have going on, and when you mix it with “oh, yeah, and I turned you into the next evolution of humanity without your consent,” well,consider me sold. There's just so much deliciousness to unpack - the pride Sarif has in his greatest creation, the resentment Adam feels mixed with his dedication to Sarif (at least in HR), and the whole question of betrayal of trust that hangs over the two of them. Factor in cybernetic parts capable of some pretty awesome things (and increased stamina) and there's a recipe for some really hot, probably guilty sex.

There are several amazing stories I've gotten for this, but I'm definitely interested in further exploration of their interactions pre, post, or during canon. Of course, the whole "replacing your body parts with cybernetics" has always been rife with hurt/comfort and angst, so I'm always good with that. Also, conspiracies and plotting are what this franchise thrives on, so maybe there's a sinister scheme and Sarif and Adam are thrown together (unwilling or not) to root it out. And yes, AUs and canon divergence are fine (nothing modern/mundane, but if you want spaceships or vampires, I will be there for you).

DNWs: Permanent nominated character death, animal harm, extreme underage (16 and up is fine), bodily fluids (blood is fine), focus on unrequested pairings involving nominated characters (references to past relationships that ended are fine).

  • It turns out that massive cybernetic augmentation may have a few side effects - like amnesia! It's sort of hard for Adam to say he never asked for it, when he doesn't even remember his life. Sarif sees the advantage to it, and guiltily rationalizes maybe Adam doesn't have to know everything.
  • Sarif's just hired his new head of security - and he must admit that Megan has excellent tastes. Adam's loyalty only sweetens the pot. Soon, David's wondering just how far that loyalty extends and if it's worth possibly irritating his top researcher by making a move on Adam.
  • Adam sides with Sarif after Panchaea - and things still fall apart (thanks, canon). Two years later, they finally talk again and this time, Sarif's not going to wait another two years to make amends (and his move).
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