(no subject)

Oct 04, 2006 14:58

Wow..Last night was great.

1349 opened. I can't believe they opened..In any event, it was SOOO bad ass even if it was a short set (30 mins). They sounded AMAZING for raw-er black metal, especially in the fillmore. It was just amazing. We were front center and ahhh. They played only like 5 or 6 songs, but it was a good mix off of all their albums which was wonderful. That alone made the show worth while.

Goatwhore was next. They aren't really my thing, but they were pretty cool. Did a great show.

Next was Sunn 0))). I honestly don;t know why they were on the bill. Their music as a whole is nothing i'd want to see live --too ambient. In any event, they had a fog machine with a big fan and they came out in cloaks and you couldnt see them since the light was all crazy. It was grim. Incredibly boring and alot of people booed them (why the fuck did they not open..) and yea. It was boring, and I cant say anything else other than their stage set was cool. They played one song and it sucked. And by one song, I mean like..30 minutes.ugh.

Celtic frost was last. They were ok, kinda slow and playing random stuff. After like 6 songs we went uptop to find squeak and hopefully hunt down the guys from 1349. Oh, the singer of 1349 went and sang a song with celtic frost and that was BADASS. Why can;t they keep him..

So we waited, and we finally saw one of the guys from 1349 and shook his hand (one of the guitarists). He was really nice..Then we went outside and hoped they'd come out..The guys from sunn came out, and got in their van..We were like "hi sunn" and they smiled..Those guys totally dont look like they are in the metal scene at ALL. really random.

1349 better come back over from norway...amazingly BADASS. They rock and it was so cool. Yay -- I want more black & death metal shows over here damnit!
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