May 11, 2010 12:13
i wish i had more readers and people commenting on my rants and random entries of boredom so id know im not writing to just hear myself write (if you catch my drift) maybe the trick is to write more often. Or to put more pop culture references in here... okay i guess i'll do that: MILEY CYRUS!!!! *rolls eyes* THE JONAS BROTHERS!!!! *gags* SELENA GOMEZ!!!! MEGAN FOX!!!!! BRITNEY SPEARS!!!!!!! now maybe i'll get a comment or 2. also i hate miley cyrus cuz she tries way too hard. i used to be a fan before she started trying way too hard to be a teenage slutbag. and the jobros are just terrible.=x.x= selena gomez should just stick to acting. megan fox is hot but she acts like shes trying too hard to be hot when the secret is not to try hella hard or u just end up seeming like a slut. britney spears.... i like some of her music. comments plz!!! =>.<=
pop culture references,
dizzy is a perpetual loser,
megan fox