Library time... umm... I dunno what exactly to say. I've pretty much been telling my daily life to specific people at a time, and so I don't ever have the real energy or time to update on LJ. I might just be shutting this down for a bit (keeping the username, just not coming by in a while). I mean, I can't post responses to other peoples' journals (once again- It's computer problems, I'm not ignoring you). It's not like anybody here can find out more about me by looking here than by just talking to me. I still plan to visit p_a_s_k at times, but otherwise, I don't think I'll get to read others' journals either.
So farewell for a bit. Maybe I'll come by when something truely momentous happens. If you want to catch me, you can
email me. But don't email to the address on my info page- I can't check my hotmail at home anymore. I don't know if I'm repeating things I've already said.
So... chao