
Mar 27, 2013 12:13

Title: Encantado

Fandom: DBSK
Pairing: YunhoxJaeJoong
Length: Oneshot |WC:  4812
Rating: NC-17
Genre: fantasy, mystery, creatures, angst, sm**
Beta: girldevil

Summary: The cave of Beracha is a sacred place for the people of the Bujok tribe, entering prohibited. What will happen when one day the hunter Yunho following a melodious, entrancing voice echoing from within in the cave enters it?

Encantado:  a word in Portuguese roughly translating as "enchanted one" (it is also a commonly used greeting in Spanish and very formal Portuguese meaning "enchanted", as in "enchanted to meet you", or to designate mythical creatures like the [Encantado]

From time immemorial, the cave of Beracha was a sacred place for the people of the Bujok tribe. The well from within supplied the Bujok with fresh water and in gratitude the people left the cave and its goddess in peace. Although it was known that the cave actually provided a short cut through the mountain range, which they never used it. It was prohibited to enter.

Only twice a year the quack would venture into the cave to offer the goddess sacrifices in form of portions of their harvest. He served them in invaluable containers, but never made out of gold, and left them there only to get them back emptied 3 days later.

Yunho never envied the quack, as the profession came with the demand to never marry and to only serve the tribe.
Secretly, as a child Yunho wondered whether the quack got into the cave to empty the bowls during the night to keep the myth alive but after 2 sleep deprived nights and continues watch over the cave's entrance he had to admit that something about the legend had to be true after all.

Growing up to become a lean and skilled hunter, Yunho found himself in close range to the cave's entrance one day, in search of some herbs his mother demanded. The sun was already setting when
 he heard it- a melodious voice, singing so foreign and yet beautiful that it halted Yunho’s every move.

Regaining his breath again, Yunho moved closer to the cave. Had someone snuck inside the sacred walls?

Yunho cautiously looked around if anyone from the Bujok were watching him. Yunho inwardly battled with his inner voices but eventually stood in the cave's entrance, as close as he never had before. He looked once more behind him until he followed the singing voice with careful steps. He also heard the rippling of water and stopped at the corner of the straight path.

His heart was beating wildly and he took a deep breath before he slowly went to take a look around the corner.

His eyes went wide with wonder when he took in the sight before him: The water of the well surfaced and went down into underground tunnels again here, swirling the water into different colors but it wasn't the nature surrounding him that caught his breath. A man with snow-white skin, never touched by the sun before, sat at the edge of the pool. But what was most fascinating were the man's feet...

The man's head moved toward his direction and Yunho immediately shrank back.
The voice, however, had stopped its music and Yunho felt sweat starting to run down his forehead.

“Come closer, human”, the voice said. Yunho tried to calm down at being caught and stepped forward. He had been caught by a goddess and what good would running do? His fate was doomed.
Looking to the ground, Yunho approached the pool.

“Look into my eyes”, the man said. Hesitantly, Yunho's eyes wandered to the man. He tried not to stare at his feet, or the lack thereof, replaced by a fish tail, and let his gaze crawl up the built chest until he reached the man's eyes, which sparkled blue.

“You have amazing eyes,”  the goddess broke the silence.

Yunho disbelievingly stared at the man in front of him. Here in front of him sat the most fascinating being he had ever seen and the goddess declared him amazing?

Remembering the place and time, Yunho removed his gaze and began to stutter.

“Apologies my goddess for intruding your sacred dwelling. It shouldn't happen again.”

A melodious laughter filled the cave, echoing in it. Yunho heard another pronounced splash and saw how the goddess had moved into the water. “I don't care. In fact, I enjoy the company. And call me JaeJoong, human.” Yunho could only nod.

“So, what is your name human? Or should I just keep calling you that- human?” JaeJoong's eyes sparkled with mirth.

With nothing left to lose, Yunho answered him. “Yunho. My name is Yunho.”

After a somewhat awkward start, Yunho warmed up to the god who was so interested in the human's life. He was at awe by the description Yunho gave of some of the game he occasionally hunted that Yunho wondered at the god's power. Wasn't he supposed to be omnipotent? But those thoughts vanished almost as fast as they occurred.

Somewhat later into their conversation, or rather Yunho's tales, JaeJoong closed in to the hunter sitting at the edge and hopped out of the water, sitting next to Yunho. Yunho, totally unprepared, stopped midsentence and starred at- at JaeJoong's legs.

“You have legs!” Yunho stuttered. “You haven't had legs before!” Mischievous JaeJoong smiled.

“Are you sure?” and crossed his legs in a slow, gracious way. Yunho gulped and looked away. “Ah, maybe my eyes played some tricks on me.”

“Really? What do your eyes see now?” Yunho could have imagined it, but did the god's voice just turn husky?

He turned around to answer the question when all words and thoughts he had prepared went out of his mind- and probably somewhere south.

JaeJoong had leaned back on his hands, showing of his long stretching lean torso where water drops still ran down. One particular drop caught Yunho's eyes and he watched how it passed his rosy buds down, across the distinct muscles just to be caught by his navel. From there on, a slightly hairy trail started, leading up to-

Yunho once more averted his gaze to the opposite wall. Thankfully JaeJoong had crossed his legs. “I- I should leave”, he exclaimed and hastily got up. “Thank you for sparing my life”, he said while bowing his head, never looking at the being in front of him.

“Come back, my skilled hunter”, the god replied amused and as Yunho left the cave he didn't turn around when a quiet laughter followed him out. What haunted him however was the whisper, but he surely must have misheard.

I've got you under my spell.

Yunho tried to avoid the thought of the seductive being in the cave of Beracha, the talks, everything, trying to convince himself that it had been a dream, an illusion and nothing else. But he couldn't ignore the painful ache between his legs, which not even the most beautiful girl, or boy, as he wanted to make sure for every eventuality, could elicit from him.

Therefore he couldn't help but find himself at the entrance of the cave as he once again had been unable to sleep two nights in a row. His family and friends had asked him what happened because he has been so inattentive and quiet but he knew he could never tell them the truth. First and foremost, entering the cave was forbidden and secondly, he was afraid of being declared crazy.

With determination, he entered the cave and rounded the corner only to see that the cave was empty. The moon had illuminated his way into the path but now the light was reduced, which didn't matter at all, as the cave shone itself, the water giving everything a bluish hue.

During his last stay, light had dimmed with the retreating sun but it hadn't been dark enough to display this light play.

Yunho ventured further into the cave.
Glancing around if maybe the gorgeous man had hid somewhere, Yunho cautiously asked into the dark. “JaeJoong?”

Stepping around the edge and glancing into the depth of the tunnel, he called a little bit louder.  Water rippled behind him more loudly than normal all of a sudden, and Yunho turned around alarmed. “JaeJoong!”

But what broke through the water surface wasn't the man with ebony hair but a Boto.

Tension left his body, Yunho crouched down to welcome the animal that was seldom seen in their region. Every time he saw one of these beautiful dolphins he asked himself whether this one was the one who once saved him from drowning, however, tonight he dismissed the thought.

He was disappointed as he had hoped to see the man again but he would make the best out of it. In front of him, the Boto chirped happily. Yunho had to laugh. “You are quiet the talker, huh? To be honest I haven't reckoned to meet one of your kind here but a man almost as equally beautiful as you.” Until now, the dolphin had himself be petted on his snout but as soon as Yunho had spoken these words it snapped after him and swam away as if it was sulking.

“Hey!” Yunho called after. “You can't be serious! You two are completely different beings and aren't comparable and unique in your own beauty, so don't show your fin to me, alright?” Now it was Yunho's time to pout at the Boto, which came back.

Sighing, Yunho petted it once again. “You are something else. At least, you aren't a seductive nix which keeps me from sleeping by its spell.” Retreating his hand and closing his eyes with a defeated as well as tired sigh, Yunho thought about what he should do next.

Then a hand closed into his wrist, which supported his crouched form at the edge and pulled him into the water.

Surprised Yunho opened his mouth ,which was the wrong decision however. Water immediately filled it and Yunho struggled to get back to the surface. His arms whirled widely as he gasped for air, which collided with the water in his throat and he started coughing. Unbeknown to him, he was pushed against the smooth rim and he just noticed it when a soft but firm body pressed against his front. Blinking his eyes open after he had calmed himself, his eyes locked with the man in front of him.


“I bewitched you, huh?” JaeJoong's eyes were half lid and his voice sensual that Yunho couldn't help but focus on the god's lips, which is painted in blue-ish hue, gave JaeJoong an even more irresistible glow entrancing him further. “I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I don't know the power of magic. I can just enhance the deepest desire of people that's why this,” JaeJoong pressed his leg between Yunho's and Yunho was immediately in bliss and moaned at the applied pressure against his arousal. Yunho hadn't even noticed it being there but right now, he didn't care. “-this is all your fault”, JaeJoong empathized.

Yunho threw every caution over board and descended to what he had eyed all the time and claimed his prize. He crashed his lips against the being in front of him, desire fueling him to reach out and touch him. However, JaeJoong had pinned him against the wall by his hands and his grasp was steady, no matter how much Yunho tried to pull. Eventually, JaeJoong intertwined their hands, this and his body flush against him being his only connection to the man- and, may the gods help him, his sinful lips.

Yunho felt like a man dying of thirst after a long journey through the desert and JaeJoong being the only thing, could satisfy his craving.

Their tongues battled whereas Yunho rotated his hips against the man in front of him. His actions drew soft moans from the god who had to retreat his lips to catch his breath. Yunho immediately latched unto the skin of JaeJoong's throat, nibbling and caressing it with his mouth.

JaeJoong had regained himself and now bit into Yunho's sensitive spot behind his ear, which elicited a deep groan from him and it echoed through the cave. At the same time he noticed how the movements of his hips became irregular and desperate as he felt warmth pooling there in the cold water the same moment JaeJoong bit down at his neck. JaeJoong himself twitched in front of him from what Yunho could only assume he had come too.

Panting for breath, Yunho rest his forehead against the shoulder in front of him, the god's rapid inhale and exhale caressing his own neck.

“That was-  indescribable!” Yunho breathed and lifted his head slowly.

“Glad to serve you”, JaeJoong said smugly and closed in on Yunho once more, pulling at Yunho's lower lip, sucking it in. Yunho still felt oversensitive and couldn't help but hum in contentment and tried to follow JaeJoong has he tried to retreat.

“The best is yet to come, Yunho” JaeJoong let the whimpering Yunho go, who immediately had to grasp at the edge above him to not sink down into the water, whereas JaeJoong disappeared into the depths of the crystal water.

From then on, Yunho would visit the cave quite frequently, although not every night. His absence would be noticed if he disappeared too often and he slowly ran out of excuses, especially for his absent mind when he hadn't visited the cave for several days.

That was when he made his decision, JaeJoong being the first one he told about it.

His feet dangled in the water as he waited for JaeJoong to approach. By now he had figured out that JaeJoong was the Boto and could only turn in to a human being at night. The first time he saw him, JaeJoong had been about to transform, his tail being the last part to turn.

Now he saw the telltale fin breaching and disappearing again only to reveal the ethereal man as he broke the surface.

As always, mirth danced in his eyes, as he approached the hunter. “Hey there, gorgeous”, Yunho greeted him. “Hello, yourself”, JaeJoong returned, stretching out his hands for Yunho's small head, as he had once deemed, to pull him into a searing kiss. Yunho complied with the request in a heart beat but drew back eventually, barely able to contain himself as he burst out the news.

“I have to tell you something- I'm becoming a quack!” Yunho declared.

JaeJoong seemed to go rigid for a moment, something dark fluttering over his features but it went by so fast that Yunho wasn't sure whether he really saw it or not. “Is that so?” JaeJoong smiled but for only a brief moment and Yunho thought it quivered too much on the edges of his lips.

Yunho furrowed his eyebrows. “Aren't you happy? That way it won't be suspicious if I'm seen visiting the cave, heck twice a year I'll do it officially!”

JaeJoong's eyes grew soft. “Of course I am. This was just... unexpected. Now, how about I reward you, huh?” Emphasizing his intention, JaeJoong let his hands dance along Yunho's body, going south.

“I like the way you think,” Yunho replied, eyes sparkling with amusement and desire. This time, Yunho held unto JaeJoong and pulled him up out of the water, placing the man on his lap.
At once their lips locked together and Yunho's hands started to roam the body in front of him, settling on his button and drawing him closer.  Approving the new friction JaeJoong scraped along Yunho's back, leaving slightly burning red trails, but Yunho didn't care. For him, the goal was to draw as many whimpers, moans and groans out of the often silent man in front of him as possible.

JaeJoong helped him out of his shirt and fondled with the strings of his pants with shaking hands. “This would be much easier if you didn't distract me so much”, JaeJoong complained teasingly.

“Can't,” Yunho breathed, “I need to taste you.” Continuing to kiss along the god’s jawline, Yunho's hand crept to one of JaeJoong nipples and started rubbing it between his thumb and forefinger. JaeJoong gasped above him, although Yunho wasn't sure if it was because of his actions or because the man succeeded in untying the knot. For good measure Yunho tested him by enclosing the other bud with his lips. The resulting moan made him hum in satisfaction. JaeJoong's hands found their way into Yunho's hair, probably to tear him away, but eventually he pressed Yunho closer to himself, nuzzling the hair with his face, tearing at his hair with his hands.

Unfortunately, JaeJoong had loosened the strings but Yunho's pants were still on and uncomfortable tight.

Yunho parted from JaeJoong's chest, which the other redeemed with what Yunho interpreted as a disappointed sigh, and interlocked JaeJoong once more with his lips. Slowly, without interrupting their kiss, Yunho laid JaeJoong down on a patch of smooth ground. Keeping his weigh on the arm, which he placed to JaeJoong's face, he tugged at his pants and removed them completely. Finally free of the confinement, Yunho covered JaeJoong. JaeJoong purred in appreciation. Yunho smiled into the kiss but grumbled inwardly. The hard stone wasn't a really comfortable surface and placing his hands under JaeJoong painful. This changed, when JaeJoong pushed up with the hidden strength of his and flipped them over. Yunho arched an eyebrow amused at the god's action, whose pupils were huge in the dark, but still a startling blue, which seemed to glow from within. He certainly was a sight to behold, one Yunho would never forget. However his awe was soon replaced with ecstasy as JaeJoong ground down on him.

“Now I can die as a happy man,” Yunho panted.

“Never,” JaeJoong exclaimed, kissing Yunho possessively. “I'm never going to be the reason of your death, Yunho,” JaeJoong declared, locking eyes with Yunho. What he had done, to be rewarded with this man? He didn't know but still he was eternally grateful to be blessed with this being in front of him. If only he would never have to part with him...

His thoughts were interrupted when JaeJoong pulled at Yunho's chin. “I'm right here.”
Yunho chuckled, thinking that it was amusing when JaeJoong wanted Yunho's attention all for himself, when he already had it. He immediately followed the request and once again claimed the lips of the blue-eyed man. JaeJoong took his hand in his own and guided it along his tights, which straddled Yunho.  Yunho was only happy to comply, when JaeJoong guided him even further to his back, settling the tips of hand at the crease of his bottom, dipping it slightly between the crack of his cheeks. At once, Yunho's eyes grew wide.

“JaeJoong, don't mess with me,” Yunho demanded.

So far, their encounters consisted out of talks, sometimes singing of JaeJoong with Yunho listening and getting each other off, preferable by grinding or hand job. JaeJoong had tried sucking him underwater once but didn't like it, which was fine by Yunho who didn't want to pressure JaeJoong. He had several times tried to finger JaeJoong during their time but he had always wriggled away teasingly, playing hard to get, which had excited Yunho. But now, for JaeJoong to make the first step... Yunho wasn't sure if the other man just wanted to be playful again.

JaeJoong replied by leading the hand further and Yunho understood.

He slipped his fingers gently and started preparing the man carefully in front of him, trying to distract JaeJoong from the discomfort feeling by nipping on the stretch of throat in front Yunho, as JaeJoong had thrown his head back. He whispered sweet nothings against the skin, to show JaeJoong how much he cherished him while he worked around with his fingers that was deep inside Jaejoong.

“You are the only god I worship,” he eventually breathed against the rim of his ear as he finally found the spot he had been aiming for. JaeJoong answered him with a deep moan, eyes wide open at the unsuspected pleasure.

Grinning at the man above him, Yunho teased. “You liked that?” He empathized his words with doing it once more, the man whimpering once again.

Shortly after, JaeJoong's eyes turned into slits. “Don't you dare and stop, Yunho.” He accompanied his threat but grabbing Yunho at his base, whereas Yunho's eyes shoot open, as he threw back his head and his mouth formed a silent 'o'. “You like that, don't you? Maybe we should place it for better work...” And he walked the talk.

Jaejoong lifted himself up, letting Yunho free his hand under him and positioned Yunho’s rigid cock near his entrance. Jaejoong slowly lowered himself, the tip breaking into his entrance and he inhaled at the feeling of the new sensation. Both rasped for breath at the new sensation.Yunho stilled himself and it took a lot of will power not to thrust his hip forward because he didn’t want to hurt Jaejoong. When the tip of Yunho’s cock finally entered, they both groaned and it was driving Yunho crazy, Jaejoong was so tight. Jaejoong lowered himself until he was filled with Yunho’s whole cock inside him.

“God…Jaejoong this is too much! I need…I need to move!” Yunho whimpered.

“Then move!” Jaejoong let out a groan started moving.  when Yunho slowly pulled out and trust back inside Jaejoong with care. Yunho sat up slightly and held unto JaeJoong's hip, supporting and lending him the strength. They moved in rhythm and when Yunho saw that Jaejoong was finally relaxed, he picked up speed and started pounding into him while he helped Jaejoong humped on top of him. He drew JaeJoong close, not able to function long without the other's lips. JaeJoong tugged in ecstasy on Yunho's hair, fingernails skimming Yunho's... he simply didn't know how to handle the pleasure that he never felt before.

They had to draw back several times to catch some breath but as they both drew close, JaeJoong's teeth once again settled for Yunho's neck. This time however, as they both came to a release, JaeJoong broke the skin.  Yunho held JaeJoong's head in place, as he laid down, trying to calm down and breath normal again. JaeJoong had started to suck on his imprint as if to apologize.

“You are amazing” Yunho grumbled as he nuzzled the head still lingering at his shoulder.

“You are not bad yourself”, JaeJoong chuckled lightly, his breath tickling Yunho's neck.

They stayed like this a while longer but eventually the cold of the cave started to crawl on Yunho. Gathering his clothes and putting them on, Yunho settled behind JaeJoong, who sat at the water's edge. He embraced JaeJoong, who leaned back, placing his head on the shoulder. Yunho couldn't help himself but dip his head and switched between nibbling lightly on the offered flesh and just smelling JaeJoong's unique sent. JaeJoong's hands caressed the arms, which held him secured. After awhile of comfortable silence, JaeJoong shifted and one hand rose to take Yunho to JaeJoong's mouth. With reluctant, JaeJoong let go, drawing Yunho closer so that he could leave a lingering kiss underneath his ear and whisper 'Good bye' to him, while slipping out of his arms. Once more he disappeared into the depths of the water without turning back and Yunho tried to vanquish the feeling that something was wrong, because JaeJoong never before had said goodbye.

The next day, Yunho found himself in the tent of the quack. All the begging and reasoning his friends and family have tried to deter him from his wish to become a quack had been fruitless.

As Yunho told the man what he desired, he was regarded squinty.

“What is that?” He said and tugged away Yunho's tunic at his neck, which hid the mark JaeJoong left there. The mark, which reminded him that last night hadn't been a dream, the dream of a desperate man. “Nothing,” Yunho said hastily, trying to cover it up again. If the quack saw it, he might assume Yunho wouldn't be able to follow the celibacy pact which he would- after all, it wasn't a human being he had and would go down to.
But something akin to recognition fluttered over the man's features, and he exhaled slowly.

“The deed is done.”
Bewildered Yunho looked at the man in front of him but he didn't offer him any further explanations.
The same evening, Yunho was initialized.

Four days later, Yunho exhaustedly arrived at the cave. The last couple of days had been tiring, as he not only had to build a hut for himself but also started to learn about herbs, legends and much more.

Sighing, Yunho hoped JaeJoong wouldn't sulk too much, although the latter of course would never admit of doing so. When he arrived, the cave was empty so he started calling for the god.
However, no matter how often he did, JaeJoong never answered.

He never showed up.

It had been ten months since Yunho had decided to become a quack, ten months since he last saw JaeJoong. After the first time JaeJoong didn't show up, Yunho dismissed it as JaeJoong probably was sulking or maybe even busy, though Yunho never was sure what JaeJoong did in, what he called, Encante. But as he didn't show up the night after and every following night, Yunho ventured out and he knew something was wrong. Had he hurt Jaejoong?

He had no one he could ask what was wrong. Yunho simply had to learn how to live with the gaping whole in his heart.

Six months earlier, the first harvest sacrifice Yunho himself was allowed to bring in the company of the elder quack, was delivered to the sacred cave of Beracha. Three days later, they had come to collect the empty bowls only to find them still as full as they left them.
Yunho had been shocked. Maybe he had done something wrong which required for him to be ignored, but the sacrifices had never been left before.
The elder quack himself had stood rigid next to him but without a glance at Yunho he started collecting the bowls, chanting the whole time the same prayers as when he did three days before, prayers which asked the gods to spare him and to serve them further. Yunho eventually joined and helped him.

Now it was time for the second sacrifice of the year. They had already brought it into the cave three days before, but now Yunho stood in front of it alone. The elder had sent him beforehand, telling him only to get him in case the bowls were empty, otherwise to collect everything.

Hesitantly, Yunho entered the cave. It reminded him of the first time he did so, though the melodious voice, which had enchanted him before, was missing. He rounded the corner, reading himself for the disappointment only to gasp.

“JaeJoong!” It wasn't JaeJoong per se, just his Boto form, still Yunho's heard leaped. At the noise, the dolphin dipped underwater only to reveal the man, who still had a fish tail as the sun was just setting. Yunho wanted to join him in the water immediately but as he caught the man's eyes he stopped.


“You destroyed everything. I told you that I would only enhance your deepest desire. How could you do this to me?” The spite full words made Yunho sink to his knees at the water's edge slightly.

“What are you talking about?”

“Tell me Yunho, what were you thinking about during our last time?”

“That I always wanted to be a part of you! To always be by your side, even if I can't follow you.”

JaeJoong bewilderedly stared at him.

“Was that really what you wished for?”

Yunho could only nod uncertainly. JaeJoong startled laughing shaking his head disbelieving.

“I can't believe you. Of all the things...”

The hatred had seeped away and left only awe, spiked with uncertainty.  “Now will you tell me what this is all about?” Yunho asked.

JaeJoong hesitantly complied.

“Every time someone pledges themselves to us, for example by becoming a quack to serve us, we fulfill them their deepest desire.
You really wished to never part with me?”

“Of course! You were the only thing on my mind the last ten months!” Yunho declared, kneeling in front of him, locking his gaze with the god in front of him in hope to convey everything he felt for him.

JaeJoong looked into his eyes as if looking for something and as he apparently found it, nodded determined.

“Then come with me, Yunho,” and kissed him as he said so. His arms wrapped around the human’s neck in front of him, pulling him closer. Yunho, too, leaned down to embrace him around his waist, swearing to never let go again. Locked like this, JaeJoong let them fall into the depths of the water, deeper and deeper until they were not seen anymore.


A/N: This story is the answer of the demand of having an 'Encantado' story, after ' the haunted forest of Hycrania' didn't contain it. So this story is for haru_ran , minukkie and tardiskeeper.
After reading the wiki entry which said about the Characteristics:

There are three elements that best characterize encantados: superior musical ability, their seductiveness and love of sex

I knew had to venture out and test myself... by writing some as naughty as I never had before >//<
So yeah, this was my first attempt at smut. What do you think?
Though I have to admit, without girldevil it wouldn't be what it is now =3

I have an idea what happened in the 10 months in between, why JJ was so furious... but you tell me first what you think in your comments and I tell you the answer then :P

Thanks for reading!

ff: encantado, yunho, yunjae, jaejoong, ff

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