Title: The Haunted Forest of Hycrania
Fandom: DBSK
Pairing: YunhoxJaeJoong
Length: One Shot | WC: 3610
Rating: R (for.. blood)
Genre: Historical-fantasy, AU, angst, drama
girldevil Summary: During Alexander the Great, time quickly turned from great to bad, especially to man loyal to the course. This is the story of Episkopos Yunho and his companion
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Alexander the Great, Greek Myths, fantasy, JaeJoong being a lycan .... Nyom ♥
We totally need more stories like these. ;A;
Btw, he was supposed to be an Encantado and damn, I really like the creatures introduced on that site.
Well~ \i found meine Fantasie Ader :P
And I totally agree with you! There's one story, but it's MinSu I could read a thousand times - it's called 'Demon in my dreams'
You are right! You could write a fic on your own~ I might write a short encantado one...
Interesting. Maybe I'll check that one out. o:
Maybe I'll do just that some time in the future. ;3 Oooooh~ that sounds nice. *-*
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