Song for you ~ 約束 (yakusoku) - part 1

Jan 15, 2010 16:08

Hey ho...

Ich habe diesen Blog hier schon irgendwie.. vernachlässigt -.-'
Gomen ne!
In den nächsten Tagen kommt aber wieder was von mir- versprochen!
Besonders für LJ Menschen ^_~

Jetzt gibt's erst mal eine FF die ich schon am 18. September angefangen habe... und jetzt endlich fertig gestellt habe...
Dabei ist es nur der 1. Teil von einem Double OneShot >_>
(Der 2. Teil ist noch in Arbeit... dafür steht immerhin das Grundgerüst ~_~)

Aber somit ist wenigstens erst mal das Projekt einigermaßen erledigt.. für zumindest den nächsten Monat...
In dem muss ich dann an... 2-3 anderen Dingen arbeiten-

Ich habe momentan einfach zu viele Ideen!!!!

Heute habe ich mal wieder einen FF Tag eingelegt.. ich habe mindestens 200 Word Seiten FF gelesen und noch einen Film geguckt.. lalala..

Ich weiß, dass interessiert hier alle :P

Jetzt geht's aber los...
Auch wenn ich noch keinen Titel habe =D

Title: Song for you ~ 約束 (yakusoku) - part 1
Fandom: DBSK
Genre: ... Comedy?
Length: OneShot  / 3650 words
Warning: SELF Insert, un-beta-ed, might be edited more
Summary: Stumbeling over some pair of legs can cause meeting quite interesting people...
A/N: 14.5. 2010: Thanks to au_astronomer this story is now beta-read! Thank you for your good job and your interesting comments =D

A/N2: Translation is provided if you hover over the sentences in question with your mouse (you should see it there, where your browser usually provides information about a link)

"It was a good idea to come here. Wasn’t it?" Ramona asked her dear friend Caro while lying beside the latter on a soft towel at the beautiful beach.

"Haha, yeah it was. Good to have you with me, without you, I wouldn't know what to do in Tokyo" Caro answered dramatically and gave Ramona a light punch to her upper arm.

Ramona threw a look over to her dark friend. Despite her sunglasses covered eyes which made it hard to differentiate her opened or closed eyes, she seemed to be enjoying the fun.

"Just kidding", Caro replied immediately in response. Now, she glanced to her blonde friend.
"Of course I'm grateful. Honestly, I wouldn't have known that such a place existed!"

They both laid at the beach of Enoshima* in early September. Most of the stands was closed for business since school had started. Although it was still warm, the beach was vacant of many visitors. The wide Pacific Ocean lay ahead of them where one can see windsurfers and jet skies chasing each other.
No music blasted out of the speakers, like it would have one or two weeks before and the two of them enjoyed the sound of the sea and the waves rolling softly on the beach.

Silence fell over the two of them again and with the lulling of the sea and the warmth from the sun, both drifted of to a light sleep, which wasn't disturbed by the laughter that came closer and closer...


"What is green and running through the forest?"

"Uh... a frog?"

"No! A pack of cucumbers!"

"What?" "You can't be serious.." "Gosh..."

"And guess now, what was the joke?"

"There was no joke!"

"A group of cucumbers aren't even called packs, haha!"

"Honestly Junsu, you should work on your jokes!"

"Hey, that one was funny!"

"No, it was not!" the four declared in unison.

"You all just don't have a sense of humor! That's all!"

"Oh, Su... should I delight you with one of my jokes?"

"Huh? What is it?"

"What is cute, has a big bottom and is waddling around the beach?"

"A duck?"

"No, a dolphin Su!"

"AH, you will pay for that one!"

"Haha, only if you can catch me!"

"You’re not as fast as you think you are!"

"Su, Chunnie, watch out!"


The light slumber of the two friends was interrupted when someone tripped over Caros legs and fell over, nearly crushing her whole body with his weight.
Ramona who was lying horizontally across from Caro watched with widened eyes of what was displayed before her. 
A group of four young men stood around them, trying not too laugh and all the while apologized in broken English, the fifth man laid on the sand, his legs still entangled with Caro's. Shocked, the handsome looking young man tried to sit up clumsily and also started to apologize in English, far more fluently than the other four. Nevertheless Ramona couldn't stop herself from smiling a little bit, pitying on the young Asian man.
The young man had brown,curly shoulder length  hair and a rather handsome face.
Her friend Caro hadn’t said a word yet, desperately trying to hold back any rude irrelevant words that would have been blurted out if it wasn’t for the handsome man in front of  her.

"Are you ok?" the guys asked again concerned.

"Ah, yeah, I think so..." Caro pulled her legs to her body to inspect them but couldn't find any injuries.
"Looks fine to me. Just look out the next time you decide to run without looking, ok?"
Caro looked quite annoyed with the disturbance of their relaxing time alone over such a stupid thing. Despite everything Ramona wanted to encourage the poor guy a little, especially after she saw his reaction to her friend's harsh words.
The rather cold words said left the culprit a little pale, unfamiliar with such treating. However, he easily found his charm back and tried again.
"How about I treat you and your friend to a drink?"

This sentence came out of the blue for all six of them; the two women weren't used to such bold behaviors from any Asian men and the remaining four guys had just met the girls and didn’t know anything about them. Maybe in reality they were some crazy fan girls?

Uncertain Caro looked over to her blonde friend. " Was denkst du?" she asked her in German. Ramona's eyes were gleaming with mischievous. " Nun, einmal gesagt, kann man es nicht zurücknehmen. Lass es uns mal versuchen, mal sehen was dabei raus kommt und schlecht sehen die auch nicht aus..." Was her witty answer. Now Caro couldn't hide her smile too and let her gaze wander back to the five guys, who also discussed in a language that definitely wasn't Japanese.

Three out of the five seemed to be troubled with the sitting man. The fifth stood by seemingly listening to the argument but his eyes rested on the two foreign girls. The fifth stood close by, listening to their argument however his eyes rested on the two foreign girls.
Finally the men were coming to an agreement, because they had stopped talking and turned their attention to the girls.

"Well, why not?" Caro said to break the silence. Her good mood was back again.

The whole thing was like a game with the objectives to see when the guys would shy away from Ramona and her crazy friend. The entertaining part was to see how these fine Asian men would react to the true faces of them both because they were truly anything but normal.

The two women packed up their towels and put on skirts and tops over their bikinis, the perfect outfits for strolling around in the day or throwing themselves into the wildness of the night life

When they were finished, they looked expectantly at the five guys. In return, the boys just blinked at them.
"Are we going or not?" the tall blonde asked them after a moment of awkwardness.

"Yeah of course!" the tall and tanned man answered. But whom was she kidding?

Caro glanced at all five faces, studying them for a short moment from head to toe before inspecting the next one.
All of them had their own definition of handsome.

"So, what are your names?" Caro finally asked.

The five male looked at each other, unsure of how to answer.
Should they tell them their real names, stage names, and when, which ones, the Korean or Japanese ones?

The task was lifted from them when their oldest and band umma started with "My name is Hero."
One after the other they introduced themselves.
"I' am Xiah, nice to meet you!"

"Just call me Max"

"And I", spoke the man who tripped over her feet with a charming smile gracing against his lips, "am Micky."

"Nice to meet you, my name is U.know."

Ramona had to look the other way and to cover her mouth with her hand.
She had been living in Japan for a while now and encountered many bizarre and strange things... but never Asian with these kind of strange names!
Quickly she tried to return to her normal self but she also saw the tugging at her friends lips who also couldn't believe in these unusual names.
Maybe they were lying to them?
Whatever it was, it definitely wouldn't become boring with these 5 ikimen.

"And with whom do we have the pleasure of meeting?" Micky asked.

"Well, I am Caro and this is my friend Ramona", Caro introduced.

Meanwhile, they walked along the beach on the paved way far from the sea. U-know gave away a feeling of authority and guidance but also seemed especially attentive. While the rest of them walked leisurely, his head would bob up every 20 seconds to observe his surroundings.
Ramona quirked an eyebrow.

"Everything alright, U-know?"

Feeling caught, U-know embarrassedly smiled what seemed like a 10 million won smile. "No, why?"

"Are you looking for someone or meeting someone else here? You look tense…" Ramona asked in concern.

"Haha, well..." U know tried to think fast. "’I’ve never been here before so I am just looking around."

Not completely satisfied with his answer yet not wanting to intrude any further, Ramona returned to the previous conservation.

U-know sighed in relief.

He couldn't have really told her that he was looking for people who might have recognized them or stalked them. That would be the last thing they needed now.

"Where are you from", Max asked.

"We are both from Germany", Ramona answered truthfully. Some of them formed an impressed 'O' because they’ve never met a German before.

"What about you?" she asked curiously.

Seeing as these two girls weren't familiar with their names and faces, the five male had silently agreed (through glances) that they'd stick to the truth- well, as far as possible.

"We are from Korea", Micky answered.

"Oh, really? Korea is one of the countries I always wanted to travel to beside Japan", Caro admitted truthfully.

"Really?" Hero replied. Caro's answer caught all their attention. Suddenly, everyone talked at once.
"You really should come." - "It's a beautiful country!" - "Have you ever tried Kimchi?" - "Should I teach you some words?"

A smile formed on Ramona’s face for the second time. No, this evening wouldn't be the least boring... and if it went on like this, she would soon have a grinning cramp.
Caro on the other hand found herself in a difficult situation to answer every question, hardly remembering who asked which question.
"... And no, I haven't tried kimchi yet, but I heard it's really spicy."

"Well, Korean food in general is spicier than Japanese", Xiah explained.

"Hyung, I could have said that myself!" Max argued. He raised an eyebrow in response. Rambling, Max restrained himself from arguing any further with the dolphin boy.
Caro and Ramona were really amused by the whole scene, even when they didn't quite understand the 'Hyung' term.

Finally, Micky found a small bar that looked comfortable and not too crowded which suited their style perfectly. Being the gentleman he was, he let the girls stepping forward also as a precaution. After all, they didn't want to be detected by any kinds of fans. The waiter would asked he girls how many there were and the five of them could only try to avoid being spotted by the waiter who might know them.
This action went unnoticed by the two female and without further problems, the seven young adults were led to a slightly secluded part of the tiny bar. Taking there seats, Caro and Ramona stuck together. Right next to Caro, Micky took a seat, followed by Hero. On Ramona’s left was Uknow and Xiah, leaving Max who sat between the latter and Hero.

"So... what do 5 guys together do here in Japan?" Ramona began to wonder and asked the question out loud.
An awkward silence settled between all 7 of them, because none of the boys knew how to answer. After all, this was a slightly difficult question.
But common sense knows, that staying close to the truth is always better and almost not like a lie itself.

"We have work to do here", Micky answered.
"Oh, really? All five of you work in the same company? What do you do?" Caro asked, looking straight in Micky's eyes. The latter couldn't stand the intense look, and turned his gaze to his oldest hyung, searching for help.

"Ah, yeah, we do. Our job is to entertain people by... creating a program for them." Hero answered truthfully.

"That must be a lot of fun", Caro exclaimed energetically, looking again at Micky after letting her glance travel over the others faces. Mickey returned the smile and nodded confirmingly.

The evening passed by quickly and all seven of them enjoyed the presence of each other by chatting and laughing happily together. Ramona and Uknow figured out that they had quite some things in common in regards of their attitudes and habits whereas Hero interestedly asked questions about popular German food and their preparation with which Max half heartily listened too because the latter hoped to broaden his knowledge in the range of foods. Caro had finally found someone who was intellectual enough to hold long conversations with- Max.
A similar mind as hers so to speak.
 Junsu butted in wherever he seemed fit, trying to listen and participate in both conversations.

Last but not least Micky, who remained silent for most of the time joined into the conversations occasionally. More often he was caught staring at Caro.

The latter couldn't decide if she found his action either creepy or cute, because whenever Micky was caught he would smile a coy smile. Being a person who doesn’t judge so quickly, Caro tried to cast away those thoughts and concentrate on the conversation with Max, which was about the system of entering universities in Korea.

When U-know excused himself to the toilet, Ramona took a short glance at her watch for the first time since they arrived which caused her eyes to almost bulge out.

“Oh my, Caro! Do you know what time it is!?” Ramona called out, a desperate tone evident in her voice.
Clueless Caro regarded her with a questioning look, mirrored by four more sets of eyes.
“It's already 0:20...”
Still, Caro didn't bat an eye at her friend. What was the point? Some couple of minutes after midnight didn't really deserve this kind of outburst. They had been out longer. So what was the fuss all about?
Her face stayed indifferent as ever.
Exasperated Ramona stated her reason for panicking.

“Our last train left at 23:53.”*

Now, this left quite an impact on Caro.
“Oh...” was all she was able to say.

“Right, 'oh' fits pretty well” Ramona replied rather angry.
 In her mind she already thought about the different possibilities they had left. A taxi was out of the question. First of all they cost a fortune (especially at night), even for short distances and secondly even with the train at least one and a half hour was needed to reach their destination- meaning it wasn't such a short distance at all. Maybe the Mc Donalds close to the station would open for 24h straight. They could snatch a coffee for a few hours and take the first train available...

“There are no more trains available now?” Micky questioned.
“You’ve never ridden the train before, huh?” Caro remarked and looked unbelievingly in his eyes.

She slowly recalled her friend informing her in the past that the Tokyo trains only operate till shortly pass midnight. A blush slowly formed on her cheeks as it was considered quite foolish of letting such important information slip out of her mind.

Her gaze immediately turned back to her friend knowing too well the kind of thoughts that were running through her mind at the moment.

Ramona, beruhig dich, wir kriegen das schon wieder hin”, Caro tried to calm down her friend in German. In her head, she already at one, two options prepared. “ Wie soll ich mich denn bitte beruhigen? Ich habe keinen Bock die Nacht hier durch zu machen, wie nett auch gerade die Gesellschaft ist, aber manche Leuten müssen morgen früh raus!” Caro was about to reply something with a glance to her new Korean friends when Ramona spoke again.

Und denk erst gar nicht daran mit denen irgendwo in ein Hotel ,Club oder sonst was zu gehen!” Ramona thought to know her friend good enough.
“Hey, dass wollte ich gar nicht sagen!” Caro answered indignantly. Ramona sized her up and tried to believe her for the better.

Nevertheless Caro asked the handsome guys surrounding her how they'd return home if they obviously wouldn't take a train.
At that moment Uknow returned, hearing the question and holding a set of keys in front of her eyes, an Audi symbol stood out.

That figures, Ramona thought and let out an audible sigh.
“Well, I guess we are in for a night at Mc Donalds”, Ramona groaned and winced slightly at the thought.

At loss, Uknow looked around confused.
Hero hurriedly explained the situation while the two girls pouted, thinking of the options left.

“Well, I guess it can't be of any help but you will have to take a cab, after all there's no way we let you stay in a Mc Donalds for the better part of the night... Whereas I also believe that the one here closes at 2 in the morning, if I remember correctly.” Uknow said thoughtfully.

A curse escaped Ramona lips while she rolled her eyes at the same time.
Was this guy really this thick headed or simply extremely rich?

“Just for your information, we are students and not some rich brats”, Ramona spat a bit annoyed.
The whole situation was really unnerving her. She didn't like to be out of control and the uncertainty of not knowing where she would spend the next couple of hours and how she would be late for class the next day (WITHOUT all her papers and notebook).

Simply fantastic.

Caro disapprovingly glanced at her friend due to the harsh words because all in all Uknow really had just tried to be friendly- even if this didn't help them the slightest.

Apologetic she looked at Uknow just to notice a smile on the latter's lips- apparently he was rather entertained by her friend’s bitchiness instead of being angry.

“Well, then I’ll just have to treat you.”

This sentence caused Uknow to divide his attention to the six people around him.

“Are you freaking serious?” Caro chirped. Ramona's mouth just hung open.
“All in all there's no other option left, right?”

“Do you know how much that will cost you?” Ramona finally overcame her speechlessness, despite still thinking that she had heard wrong.

“But in the end it was our fault, that you are here and not at home”, Junsu intervened.
“Or to be more specific it is Micky's fault”, Max voiced with a smile.

Micky just rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at the youngest.

“Well, if that's really your offer than we can't say no!” Caro exclaimed.
Unbelieving Ramona just followed the talk.

“Than it's settled” Hero already stood up and went to the bar to the bartender to call a cab for them.
Returning, he announced that the vehicle would most likely be there in less than 5 minutes from the nearby station.

With the soon approaching departure, the girls decided to at least pay all for their group’s drinks as a 'thank you', however Micky wouldn't have that.

“I told you in the beginning I'd treat you and I will keep my word.”

Helplessly, Ramona watched the man pay for their drinks. She didn't like to owe people and tonight she knew she would own them a lot- almost strangers and they still acted like they had known each other forever by providing them a save trip home, without expecting anything in return.

“Now then you guys have to come over at least once so we can repay you with a dinner or something”, Ramona announced, not knowing how to solve the situation any better.

Max and Hero eagerly nodded their heads, already looking forward to that evening.
What kind of food would be prepared for them?
Max had already begun dreaming, when he was jerked back to reality.

The group got outside when Caro suddenly proclaimed that they still haven't exchanged any contact information.

This kind of state was changed quickly when everybody swapped mobile numbers with each other.
Just when Micky scribbled down the last numbers of his number, the black cab arrived in front of the café.

Micky was about to ask Caro for their address so he could tell  the driver when Ramona already talked to the driver- in almost perfect Japanese.
Dumbfounded five pairs of eyes regarded the blond German.
Just when she finished explaining to the old driver she turned around to see their glances.

“日本語 を 話せて か。” Hero asked, recovering at first from his stare.
„はい そう です.“ Ramona just as easily replied just as astonished.

Expectantly they looked at Caro who confirmed the question too.

A collective groan escaped all five of them.
All evening long they tortured themselves with English when they were able to speak in Japanese the whole time!

„You all speak Japanese too?“ Caro asked with a slight accent. By all means she hasn't been in the country as long as Ramona so she wasn't as fluent yet.

Now, this got everybody to laugh again.

The girls received short hugs from everyone and promised of a soon reunion before entering the taxi.
Waving to them until they were no longer visible, the two girls rested comfortably against each others shoulder, exhausted from the day's events.

„This was one unique day“ Ramona summed up perfectly.
Caro just nodded while she put her head onto her taller friends shoulder and let her eyes drift shut.

Part II

First part of a series I've written for my friend on several occasions like Christmas, birthday(s)
* marked are words/situations where I've been (in)

random, dbsk, ff: song for you

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