(no subject)

Mar 17, 2008 10:28

Well this weekend was a blast. Friday I have no idea if I did anything. Saturday and Sunday was where all the fun was at.

Saturday morning I was stuck at home. Saturday night I finally went and saw Dannicus for the first time. It started out with me being all loner-like even though I knew a bunch of people at the show. I guess it’s more the fact I arrived at the show alone and there were so many people I didn’t know that I went into my shell. Well eventually a friend drag me out into the middle of the floor and I gave in to fun. Will dancing around with them I realized there was something missing…I needed a beer. So I got one, went back out there and had fun. I think the beer is what I needed the whole night. Well not quite, I guess I’m just scared of being around so many people I don’t know with out friends by my side or just cool people that are willing to drag my ass into the fun of it all.

Anyway Sunday was another awesome day. In the morning I checked out the idea of adding a new car stereo to the civic. It looks like it would cost me about 1623 before a 200 mail-in rebate. Is that overboard for a navigation system, iPod controls, touch screen, Bluetooth, and modifying the rear for 6x9 speakers? The install is about $250 itself.

Later that day I met up with my realtor friend and run numbers on what I could afford. It’s not nearly the kind of rang I want. It is a bit under what I was hoping and thinking, but only because Mortgage Insurance, HOA fees, and property tax count towards what they think I could spend a month, but that was also looking at the most conservative loan. If I get my parents to cosign, I’ll basically be able to choose how much I want to spend, but it’ll take some work in proving to them I am ready to move out and take proper care of the place for them to do that. After all that it was a Birthday party for his girlfriend, so we all up out and a few friends were over and it was all pretty laid back. I took off a tad early. I’m glad I did as it lead to much great fun. YAY, for random Wii Party!!!  Double YAY for Carly for being awesome. Triple YAY, for Wii boxers. 
On a completely seperate but related note, I think I left my wallet while enjoying the Wii.
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