1 semester done.... ??? to go

Jan 02, 2008 07:32

First, lemme splain. Regis online classes are 8 weeks long so my two classes this semester were one after the other, not at the same time.

So. The first half of the semester I took CS208 - Intro to Comp Sci. Why did I take this? It's a requirement and my CIS10 class from SRJC got counted as 'Control Structures' instead of the intro class it really was. So intro to comp sci was EASY. Easy A and while I didn't learn much new (other than some binary math I had fuzzy ideas about but didn't know) it was a good refresher course in C++.

Then came CS362 - Data Structures. Had they not counted CIS10 as control structures, I would have taken CS361 first. I almost wish I had, as it was a bit of a leap from intro to data structures, but I handled it. Again, not so much with the learning (at least for the first half of the class) because I was already familiar with arrays, structs, and multidimensional arrays (in C++ and other languages) but the second half of the class was quite challenging. Pointers, linked lists, stacks/queues, etc. were all new (well, the C++ implementations thereof were) and binary file I/O was quite a trip. But, I was able to get a 91 on the final (only because I argued a couple questions with the professor) and got an A in the class. The last assignment was rewriting an assignment that used arrays of structs (800+ lines long) to use linked lists and add some other functionality with queues for a whopping 1500+ line program. Phew. glad that's over with.

Next semester for the first half will be advanced programming (CS372) and then .... dun dun dun.... the second half will be Calculus I. Why yes, I took CalcI at SRJC, but it was eons ago and I got a C so ... NOT going to jump into CalcII. Thanks to some awesome parents I got a TI-89Titanium for Christmas so I'm all set. The books are gonna be almost $200 for the class (SRJC only wanted $85!) but I should be able to sell them back. I'm not selling my C++ book for CS362 cause it's also used for 372 and should prove to be a good reference.

So now I relax while no homework. Pity, all this free time and no more new episodes of good stuff on TV. Blarg.

ETA: They took my college math class and a bunch of other stuff for the official transcript. Including the 6 credits I just finished, I have 63 credits left, for a total of $23,115-30,015 depending how many classes I take online/inclass. That's $nicecar.
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