Sep 16, 2010 01:54
Just when I am about to fix my userpics for forever use I saw this hottie. AND I'M USING HIM AS MY FUCKING DEFAULT RIGHT NOW. SJGDCJVKJVLKJVJKLL /drool
KIM JAE WOOK You're fucking hot. (Who in my flist has this icon? I think I saw him somewhere.. xD)
I was gonna decide to use a TAEMIN ICON as my default but you came. Atdcjyvjy ♥ Using him as default. Will change it back but idk when haha
POLL! :3
Poll DEFAULTBtw, thank you flist for greeting me for my birthday even though I was late and I never informed you about it. I love you all. ♥ You actually keep the smile from disappearing off from my face. Thank you.