May 02, 2009 13:26
I went to the gym again! This time, I ran for 30 minutes and didn't lift any weights. I'm also changing my workout schedule to the following:
Mon: Cardio + Upper Body
Tue: Cardio + Lower Body
Wed: Cardio + Abs and Core Area
Thurs: Cardio + Upper Body
Fri: Cardio + Lower Body
I used to lift weights Mon-Thurs and just did cardio on Fri so I could keep the weight days even, but Dave told me it would be better to space it evenly as Mon,Thurs and Tue,Fri with Wed as my cardio-only day. After some talking about it, we decided it would be good to add abs then, too.
Normally, I take weekends off. However, tonight, I'm going running with Marina since we couldn't get together during the week.
I'm really happy with all my exercising motivation. =)