Jan 12, 2006 21:33
Amanda is a preppy drama queen and has always been verry good in school. She is in all advanced classes and she has a 98.9% over all average but she wanted to go to a slipknot concert with her boyfriend and her parents wouldn't let her. The week before grades closed Amanda decided to fail all her tests and quizes, not turn in any assignments and either dkop classes or be dissruptive when participating. The day that report cards were sent home, Amanda poured rat poison into all the bottles of alcohol in her house. The night, the same night of the slipknot concert, her parents got realy mad at her. Amanda had an overall average or 83% so her parents sent her to her room then they brought out the vodka to try and drink away their problems. An hour later, when the house was dead silent, Amanda went downstairs to see if the poison had worked. She saw her parents lying dead on the kitchen floor. To get rid of the evidence, she carved the meat and flesh off their bones and fed it to the garbage disposal. She got rid of the bones by throwing them into the river. Not 10 minutes after the kitchen was clean did her Trevor ring the doorbell. Amanda grabbed her coat and left for the concert.