
Oct 19, 2005 19:24

yep just wanted to restate how excited i am to come home to olympia!

just as a heads up i'll be looking for a place to live come january... meanwhile i'll stay at friends houses through december! see you kids soon.

hugs and cuddles!

oh and p.s. my hair is long and i've changed quite a bit hope you kids still like me when i get back.

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autumn_augury October 19 2005, 23:54:09 UTC
ah, but we adore you, darling, and always will! the question is whether you will still adore me if i decide to slash off this ridiculous susie derkins haircut people keep giving me!


psychogirl202 October 19 2005, 23:57:43 UTC
don't cut off your hair i will cry forever!!!!!


autumn_augury October 22 2005, 01:16:55 UTC
hmm, actually it turned out cute this time, so maybe i won't cut it off.


psychogirl202 October 22 2005, 01:29:00 UTC
still online?? why can't we ever chat :-P email me cause i love you


autumn_augury October 24 2005, 01:24:21 UTC
i've been very busy, and my internet hasn't worked for the last few days... i'll email you later...


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