May 02, 2004 16:09
well work blows cat's they don't pay me for shit and they fuckin jipped me an hours pay wtf is that about. damn bastards. yea i hate work it's so boring and they tell me to do the most boring and tedious bull shit i hate it grr lol. i wanna quite but i can't i need the money like really bad and my boss is such a bitch i'm freakin kneeling not sittin on the floor workin and she yells at me telling me not to sit it's so annoying i hate it. oh well lol not much i can do i need money and this place is the only place that will hire me. guess it's b/c i'm how u say not normal or maybe it's b/c i'm irish ::raises eyebrow:: hmmm i wonder lol prob not.
this week has been umm interesting i guess not much has happened except me and all the girls in 6th period photo bad mouthing a slut and if you girls read this u know who lol it was funny then riggs came in and joined rioght in. i love photo well sometimes.
i put too much pressure on myself sometimes but part of that is cord's fault b/c she had to tell me i'm a featured artist so now i'm all stressed and worried i'll fail and not produce work that's up to my potential and i hate that. i know i'm good but i feel like i'm not good enough and i dunno what to do i guess i'm just too paranoid that's all. well i dunno wat else ta write except i'm so damn bored i needed to do film today but yea fog,rain that's gonna fucking happen just my luck even mother nature hates me i have no luck watsoever and i'm irish for christs sakes sorry bad joke ok i'm done now.
To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour
-william blake
gotta love this poem lol so pretty