Once tagged by this entry, write a blog entry of some kind with six random facts about yourself. In the end of it, pick six of your friends and tag them! (No tag backs.) This explanation must be included, of course.
1. As an artist, I can't pick a style and stick with it for any length of time. Do I draw, do I paint? What about pastels? Oh what's that, it looks shiny! I never can stick with something long enough to get a series together either. Right now it's blobby things. I'm into really colorfull blobby things. Last time it was grungy squares, before that is was crazy goddesses. Next week I'll be back on pencils, or maybe ink.
2. I have a beauty spot on my butt, right in the center of my right cheek.
3. I work in my family business. They fired me the first time (gently, but still). Of course I was barely out of my teens and spent most of my time reading X-Files and Xena fanfic and making picture notebooks of all my favorite characters. Now, ten years later I spend my time reading Stargate and Angel fanfic and making fan-art... but I'm much more efficient at doing the actual work parts too. :)
4. I drive an SUV and I LIKE it. It's gotten me home when other pussy cars have had to turn around and wait out the flooding. (It's a small SUV, but still). However, my heart has completely been stolen by the Scion Xb and we are saving to purchase one. Soon I shall be one of the pussy car drivers.
5. I'm really and truly happy right now, which I was never really sure I would acheive. It's not that things are perfect, because they never are but maybe it's the acceptance that life is like that and how close to perfect it gets is entirely up to you. I feel like I have done and am doing things to get my life where it needs to be, and that energy is a little like a high. Or it could just be the endorphins. I walk/jog about three miles a day now, mostly walk.
6. I find that making icons is like therapy one 100x100 square at a time.
I tag
mistress_mab and