Fourth day.......

Sep 02, 2004 17:47

today is my fourth day of school and its alright i guess...i able to manage it so far..hopefully i can handle 5 classes this semester..THATS right you guys heard me, i'm freaking taking 5 classes and working 7days a week??? Wish me luck..
These are my classes for you noise people

MoNdaY: Pending..CD12
TueSDay: CD1
ThuRsdAy:Anthropology /CD Lit218

I Have no school on fridays, becoz i have to work two jobs on friday..ggrrr...

ANyways, today is my auntie STep's Birthday.. Happy B-Day AuNt!, i'm in the computer lab right now waiting for my Anthro class to start, it doesn't start an hour from now, i want to read chapters 1-2 already for my CD 1 class becoz i have a little time, oh wells we shall see.. I have to go to the b-day dinner today after school, and then i have to iron my clothes for work tomorrow and i have to stop to get food in the morning, i just have errrands to do..grrr i so hate/love it.. i Miss You!!hahahaa..okay enuff beign stupid and psycho...
Its been 4days straight that i have wore brown clothing, isn't that kinda weird i usually would have different colors, maybe it becoz of my hat and my hair..

hahaha.its tan/brown instead of yea..i haven't gone school shopping yet, and i dont know if i still should, i have so many clothes and crap..someone is sleepin' over on sunday, i can hardly wait..uumm what else can i say..i dunno..i'm just bored now...okay..byee
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