Now What?

Jun 04, 2005 23:37

So I had my graduation ceremony tonight after having a horrible trip last night. Yah yah, it's kinda lame that it was finally my first timw doing shrooms. It most likely went sour because in our wanderings we came upon this abandoned house. It looked like some kind of meth lab that squatters had been living in. It all seemed like the start of a Steven King novel to me. It would have been nice to have been attacked by crazed junkie vampires though, atleast something to escape what is more and more becoming depressing self imposed mediocrity. Perhaps if Chris could have stayed just a little longer to watch my back I would have been ok.
It seemed like such a small thing, a 30 second sin that cost me so much more. I live so much for the genre of horror I was only asking for trouble. For god sakes I know so much of the occult I could've driven myself mad.
I ended up with only Rhianna and Squiggles by my side. Good kids but sort of countering icons in my life. Forest would have been good to have around, he would have known how to fix it all.
What's worst of all I had been driving around all night. Seeing as how I'm already a disastrous driver this was a horrible idea.
When my head became too tormented for my body to function at all I finally gave in and just told my father I was too "high" to drive my friends home. Though it was pretty funny, after we had dropped her off I commented, "Come on dad, you knew this was bound to happen once or twice before I graduated...What can I say I'm a procrastinator atleast I hit the deadline.".
I'm so glad my parents have become a lot chiller.
Still I've graduated and I still feel like a highly irresponsible teenager. I don't have a job and can't hold on to money. I am still experimenting (though I'm probably too old to do so), and I'm completely motivationless and apathetic (nearly, just nearly redundant).
Now I know this is just a bunch of bitching without resolve, but answers don't come easy for me.
Mostly I just wasting time in an attempt to ask for a little help from the people who have always been kind to me. And to help me get away from those that drag me most of the senior class. I'll be seeing you all around. And by the way, I have a large travel fund now and I've been thinking of using it. I may just go to Holland with Squiggles, but something tells me I should find a journey that's slightly more original. Well I should go inside before my fear of larger winged insects consumes me. Thanks for reading if you took the time.
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