Sep 24, 2008 10:25
This morning I decided I would be a clever little thing and start work a little earlier than usual, so that I could finish earlier. I got up before 7am which is quite a struggle for me. Got to the station just in time to catch the 7.13am train and.... a nice old man informed me that the train had been cancelled. Great. Should I drive in or wait for the 7.33am train? I decided to just wait 20 mins for the next train. I was aiming to start at 8am but got here at 8.10 only to be informed that we don't start taking calls on the holidays until 8.30 anyway which means I still have to finish at 5pm. What a morning.
To top it all off, the internet here keeps dropping out which means I have absolutely NOTHING to do. I joked with the guy next to me that someone must have typed 'google' into google and broke the internet. A few minutes later we received a phone call from a lady saying she had done just that and her internet wasn't working in her office. She feared that she had broken the internet by her actions... She was being serious. HAHA! How do these people manage to keep themselves alive on a daily basis when they are suffering from severe stupidity, I wonder. I fear for the future of the human race. I really wish that these people would die out due to natural selection but if anyone has seen the movie 'Idiocracy', I think this is closer to the truth. Stupid people breed like rabbits and they will soon take over the world. A sad state of affairs. I need to save up and buy my own island or something.
In other news, I have an amazing boyfriend. Life is pretty great right now, hence the reduced amount of posting.