about the monster who emprisonned his daughter for 24 years

Mar 19, 2009 20:17

I read the news every morning and go through the politics, business, arts and sports section, it's been a habit since elementary school, because my parents told me that in order to be able to socialize, I have be up to date with the news...

Unfortunately whenever I try to start a conversation with some headline news, nobody seems to know what I'm talking about, especially my friends. I'm not trying to change them or anything, but they simply don't read!! whether it's newspaper or specialized magazine or literature, they just don't seem to care. I don't consider Twilight as literature by the way. (and i refuse to read that crap unless someone pays me 10k)

Well anyway, what do you guys think of the father who kept his own daughter in the basement for 24 years? I cannot even imagine one being emprisonned for a year and being raped by one's own father, so 24 years must have been worse than hell. How can this man call himself a father? I think his life sentence will never be enough for all the pain and suffering he made these 8 people go through. And I also cannot understand how he can have a normal family life outside of that basement, with his other children and wife, if he really does have a mental problem.

I know there's a million more important news out there, but this one still shakes me since last summer and makes me so angry!!!
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