Nov 30, 2006 21:48
this. is. THE. most. random. shit. ever.
For the "Violence against women awareness" week, our school put up cardboards and posters on a wall so we can draw our hands and write some peace& love messages. and some of my friends, who are quite immature by the way, wrote K***'s name everywhere. Today, my friend K*** got arrested by the cops!!!! For vandalism!!! vandalism of what??? posters and cardboards?
this is soooo messed up, friend's at the police station, and will stay there for 24h cuz
different people wrote his name on 3 posters. wow.
edit:/he's going to court tomorrow/ WTF!!!!
this is our last week of class, we got soo much work. I'm feeling horrible for my friend, this is gotta be the most random shit that has happened this semester, other than the "asian fight". why do we always get in trouble like that?