Mar 27, 2002 23:11
I bonded with Marial today. It was kinda cool. She was the only one who could understand my overly insane craving to dance. And how I had been dancing in my car and so my upper body was okay but my legs had all this energy built up in them and I wanted to dance like choreographed dances but I didn't want to show off and I had no music. Marial understood me. :) And we were talking about her injury and the decision of whether or not to drop out of the show she's in. We discussed our injuries and the pain we have to endure when we can't dance. It was kinda cool. And I think I like her a lot more now. *MWAH* I'm there for ya babe! Lemme know if you need an understanding shoulder to cry on!
Saw Cheri again today. And Ray. And Krissi AND JASON! I saw Mickey Mouse!! That's one more person to add to my list of people I've seen recently. Boy does it make my day when I run into those people. I finally heard from Axel. It's good to know he's still alive.
And one of the girls I work with, Laura, gave me a lot of guy advice that makes total sense. I was really happy to talk to her about it all. She's a sweetie like that. She's the only fellow employee I've really bonded with. Which is why I like closing with her so much. I tell her all about my guy troubles and she is totally all there to help me out and comfort me and give me advice. The best part is that she's Deana's best friend from church. So I plan to start inviting her ot parties that I go to. I know she's like that. I think Deana would find it cool, as well.