Oct 08, 2008 20:46
I just finished my practical exam and my second quiz for my Anatomy and Physiology class. Oh man, that was brutal. After the two examinations, I just literally went back to my car and sat there for a good 20 minutes just wondering what I should be doing next. My mind just flatlined and all I can think of is where to eat next. Argggh, I did pretty bad on the quiz >__<.
*rolls around pathetically*
Oh at least, I managed to do a whole swimming workout which was pretty good. I'm light years from being Michael Phelps, but considering this is me talking about (a landlubber), I'd say that's a big step. My swimming endurance has gone up 1 or 2 levels from what I started from. I should jog next time and see if I can jog longer due to the swimming workouts.