
Apr 20, 2006 23:25

My beliefs, My manifesto....

It is so hard to put ones beliefs down onto a sheet of paper and give them all justice. Some things just are not meant to be expressed on paper. I am a multi-demensional person. Many of the people I know have never seen my inner personality to it's fullest extent. I feel that it is my duty to try to put my beliefs onto paper... There are many ways in which one can express thier beliefs. I choose to put them into words, so that if someone is interested in reading them... They can... Though there are many more beliefs that I hold, these are the ones that I can put into words... As for the current government and how it is being run. There are alot of faults that in my opinion should not be tolerated. For example, why can the president of the united states threaten another country for having nukes when we have the largest amount out of any country in the world.... Doesnt that sound a bit hypocritical to you... What gives him the right to do that... The United States has no right to tell a soverign nation what they can and cannot do.That is why they are called soverign... In my personal beliefs... I believe that the health care in any country should be free. Every country should model after the Canadian government, and I'm not just saying that because it is my home country... There are higher tariff rates in Canada but that is because of the fact that the medical cost for everyone in Canada is paid through taxes. The one fault in that system has is that they don't have enough coverage on mental health. But this can be fixed. When people think of health they generally do not think of the mental aspect of it. Today in Canada there is an increasing need for mental care, but there is so little availability of it. People like my sister are having more and more trouble trying to find help. This cannot be tolerated. Moving on, I think that religion should never interfere with politics. The result of this intermingling is non other than the current president of the united states. Although I would think it is obvious that I despise the president, I cannot think of one thing in the two terms that he has served where he has done something right... Religion is the reason that Gay marriage is not allowed in the united states. For those of you that don't believe me look into it... The main excuse that people can come up with for not allowing the basic right of marriage to GLBT members is that it goes against the moral fabric of our society. These are the same people that go to church every sunday. Bush is a devout Christian, thus he has these beliefs. While we are on the topic of religion, I think that religion should be pro-choice... A couple of years ago Bush turned down a request for wiccan area's of worship within the military. He said that he did not think that it was a real religion, and that he would not support a cult in the military. What gives him the right... For those like me that identify as being wiccan this was like a slap in the face. Who the hell is he to distinguish what is a religion and what isn't. As for congress, I do not believe in it... Although it is, in a way representing the people of the nation. I think that you can do just as well with a small committee of advisors... As for the issue of war. I think that if you are to go to war, there should be a ligitimate reason for going. Again I am going to use Bush as an example... When he told congress of the idea of going to war. He said that they were going to find Osama Bin Laden. He went after Saddam instead... Instead of going into Afghanistan and finding Osama, they went into Iraq and captured Saddam, wrong target... again Bush is after the people with the nukes... Why? I think he was after their oil... Black gold... The u.s does not have an abundant supply of it on it's own... They import it from different countries... Bush is also formerly in the oil business, and he still has friends in it... He is looking out for his buddies. This whole war was for monetary gain. As for the concept of being the global police, no country should go into a war that was not engaged on their boundries. There is a slue of wars that the united states has taken part in that they had no right too. For example: Vietnam, that was between north and south vietnam what the hell gave them the authority to fight someone elses war? An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. I think this should apply to things such as: punishment for murder, and rape... If you have the audasity to kill someone then you should be killed in the exact same fashion... If you rape someone and are arrested for it, then you should have a broom stick shoved up you're ass repeatedly. Next up... The violation of privacy rights, no one should have the right to take away you're privacy... Until they have a legitimate reason for doing so... The freedom of speech and of the press are wonderful things. Without them I would not be writing this manifesto. I am all for them and do not think that they should be violated in any way accept in very specified circumstances. As for big business; corperations, and other forms of big business are a benefit to no one. What they do is they buy out smaller companies and then they just expand and expand. I think that smaller mom and dad companies are a good thing. And without the bigger corperations they might actually have the chance to flourish. As for farming, farmers should be given a parsel of land. And then at the end of each harvest they should sell a percentage of it to the government. The government then could turn around and sell the crop at a fixed rate so that the market does not fluctuate as much as it would in a capitalistic society. Every good that is grown or manufactored in a country should be sold at a fixed rate, this way you ward off market fluctuations. I also think that countries around the world should stop depending so much on credit. Overdependence of credit was how the great depression started. That is the last thing any one needs to see happen again. Another thing that should be changed, is the rate of dependence on imports in certain countries. This could be changed if there were a high tarriff put onto imported goods. This is similar to what the colonists did when they first won independence from Britain. Also items such as oil, petrol, and natural gas should be partitioned and put into national banks, in case of a drought of that particular item. As far as the issue with companies shipping their jobs oversea's so they don't have to pay as much, I think that it should be limited. That way not as many jobs are lost in the country. This kind of thing should be job specified. As for discrimination, there should be a zero- tolerance policy for it. Its only fair that everyone is treated as they are protected under the constitution. I also think that all social classes should be combined as one. After all that is how people are seen under the law anyway... If everyone was the same, the availability of goods would be the same as well, thus eliminating homeless people... Freedom of choice is important, that is why I think that abortion should be pro-choice as well. this is another issue where the christian religion interfere's with the rights of a woman to choose what she wants. Child abuse is one of those areas that to this day still piss me off. Having been through it I can tell you that it is not something that I would wish on my worst enemy. I think that if you abuse a child in any form then you should pay with you're life. There are no exceptions for this. someone that can physically or mentally damage something that they helped create is lower than a piece of dog shit in my eyes. There are many other beliefs that I hold in my heart. But they are the kind that you just can't seem to find the words for... These are some of the many beliefs that I have.

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