I'm using the internet at the library because we had a nasty lightning strike that wiped out our surge protector, computer, phones and cable early Wednesday morning. The cable will be fixed tomorrow, the computer and surge protector replaced on Saturday, and the phone may or may not be replaced. I have a cell phone so we may not keep the landline. I feel limbless without my home computer. MAJOR SUCKAGE to be without.
The only benefit of no computer is that I've been able to read two books:
"Obsession" by Jonathan Kellerman (one of my favorite authors) and
"The Angel Maker" by Jessica Gregson (aka
Both books were wonderful. I HIGHLY recommend them.
Next on the "to read" list is "Quiet Strength" by Tony Dungy, the coach of the Indianapolis Colts. He is such an inspiring man, and I've heard nothing but good things about his book. I look forward to digging in.
This week has been quite depressing. Normally, I love rain. I love to walk in it, listen to it, splash in puddles, etc. But it has been gray and rainy EVERY SINGLE DAY and I'm ready for some Florida sunshine. The forecast is for another seven days of this gray mess though. *sighs* Vacation sounds good...vacation in Tahiti sounds even better. I need that winning lottery ticket STAT!
On the bright side, tomorrow is Friday. I'm glad the weekend is here. Spending time with my little one is like having my own, personal ray of sunshine following me around. I can't wait!
*HUGS* to my f'list.