I love
Sometimes I play a game where I click the link for a Random Article to see where it takes me. From that random article, I select one of the hyperlinked words to another article. And so on and so forth, etc, etc. I think it's funny to see where some of the chains take you.
Today my linking led me to articles about:
The 1939 film "The Big Idea"
Predictive Learning
Machine Learning
Independent Film Director Richard Lowry
Tymora, The Goddess of Good Fortune (In D&D's Forgotten Realms campaign)
Forgotten Realms
The Avatar Series
The Phoenix Suns coaches
Gasparilla Island State Park
Gasparilla Island
Abyssal Plains
Turbidity currents
The 1929 Grand Banks Earthquake
The Burin Peninsula
and a Canadian rock group called The Tea Party
I'm always amazed by the random (albeit usually useless) knowledge you can quickly accumulate this way.
Yes, I am a geek. And proud of it. :)