Nov 27, 2002 01:31
What are we doing putting up with all this drama; Nevertheless, why do people seem to love to start it, let alone freak over stupid little shit. Do not take this as me bitching; Take this as a statement of my realization that there is too much drama for anyones good here. I'm sitting here next to Mays, and he is tellinbg me about how things used to be drama free during the middle of the summer...Why can't it be so now? Why can't some people make up their mind about stuff? Oh well, thats life, and we all shall deal with it. Well, on another hand, I am happy as FUCK right now, and dammit, if someone takes this away, I swear I will beat the everloving hell outta them. Well, also, tomarrow I am finally going back to my house, I have no clue for how long, but I am. I guess we will see how things go. Other news...PEOPLE NEED TO STOP FREAKING OUT. Calm down or get the fuck away from everyone else; Thats all I have to say about that. Well, have fun kiddos...
(52 hours awake w/ 1 hour of sleep now and still going)