I feel myself wanting a Wacom Intuos 4 very, very much.
And when I say 'very, very much', I mean "VERYVERYVERYI'VEBEENWAITINGFOR6YEARSFORATABLET" much.
I mean, look! It's cheaper than the Intuos 3 was! The Intuos 3 was, like, RM 19xx? Or RM 16xx? The Intuos 4 is RM 1397. Which is almost as much as a good dSLR.
Sniff. Why must I have such expensive hobbies? Why?
I should just... ask my Mum to ask her friend who works in NY to get the tablet there. Or ask my cousin to get it for me and then I'll pay her back. Or something. Or I should just go down to Singapore to buy it (It's cheaper there, if you'd believe me).
Also, I totally inhaled the hydrochloric acid/sodium thiosulphate reactant by accident today. Yech. So... yech. Goes in your nose and makes you choke. Like the aceto-orcein stain.
I love Science.
So with all the talk about having tablets and whatnot, I was bored and decided to draw in the library. With a mouse. With Paint.