"familiar strangers"

May 24, 2009 20:41

I exposed my vulnerability
Not to touch, but more to feel
Your lashes danced on my skin
And I laughed as the sugar
Leapt off your coaxing tongue
You breathed a question
And my heart broke my chest

So I sat on the doorsteps of our memories
With the stale air suppressing me
I wanted to scream.
How do I rid of this plastic grin?
We've become perfect strangers
Isn't that where danger lies?
I thought you knew me.

I never sought to seek you out
But then it rained chaos
And the alleyway drained itself
Into my vacant veins
And with a choking breath
I murmered against the waves
I wish you never came.

Hell is remembering
What it is to love
But never willing it again
And I will burn with
A fervent objection
To flowered beggary
I've become accustomed
To tasteless apathy.
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