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Aug 28, 2008 18:14

Funerals are depressing as fuck. Picture this:

You sit through an entire mass after not having been to church since God knows when. You watch restlessly as the priest lectures to the masses about Jesus, despite the fact that you're there to pay respect to your recently deceased grandmother. You start to remember why you never really liked organized religion: the routines are mechanical like machinery, and emotionless as raw fish. As he rambles on, you can't help but stare at the sealed coffin that now holds the lifeless corpse of someone you loved. In your head, you silently pray that there is a Heaven, because the thought of it not being there frightens the shit out of you.

You watch wordlessly as the coffin is lifted and moved out of the church. Everyone walks in solemn silence toward the empty grave. You stand on hollow ground, cold lamentation cloaking your entire body. You read other graves of people who are now long forgotten memories. Family members choke on their own tears in attempt to hide their agonized emotions. The tragic atmosphere seems to suffocate you and settle directly on your heart. Tears slither out of your eye sockets; you feel relieved and powerless. This is the final good-bye.

The service is over. You gaze at the gravediggers, the shovels, the ruptured earth...you briefly picture inch worms and rotting, green flesh.

You pray there is a Heaven.
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