Nov 08, 2006 03:12
so clint graduated and academy and is now walking the mean streets of atlanta. you've seen his posts, so i wont say anything else other than im proud of him. took a lot of tests this past week. very stressful. on top of that i have two papers and projects to work on, 4 of 5classes to pick and hopefully get an override for (its been 2 weeks and i have not heard back yet about if im approved or not) in order to register for spring. got a lot more hours at work, so that is good and bad. good because it means more money. bad because well...i cant think of anything bad besides it complicates scheduling times to meet with my project teams. im closing a lot more lately. still dont have a key, but thats ok because im not getting the pay either. now if she hands me a key but not the attached pay increase, ill have something to say.but you know what? i told laura that i had to register on thursday at 315, which kinda crosses with the whole working 1-930 this thursday thing. i told her about it on sunday and she said i could just come in after i register, but i said i really wanted my hours, so shes letting me come in at 11, leave at 245 and then come back whenever im done.but im dead tired, so ill update more later
oh yea, and i got a free 1GB jump drive ( i know they are dirt cheap nowadays anyway). got a coupon in the mail for micro center on powers ferry saying i get a free one. no purchase no strings whatsoever. apparently they are short on customers, but hey, i needed a jump drive and they were literally giving them away(as long as you have the special coupon). so yay for me. im gonna go back and get a slip sleeve for my laptop sometime