One of my brother's asshat friends put a ton of fake craigslist things up for sale with my brother's name and our home phone number. Apparently, we were giving away Samsung laptops for two hundred bucks apiece, 42 inch plasma TVs for three hundred, a free microfiber couch and free brand new baby clothes. Oh, and a motorbike of some sort. RANDOM
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sucks rotting, roadkill raccoon testes Heehee :))
Well, hope the next bank is a better experience for you.
I didn't realize how long wrapping took. I finished mine last night. :))
It feels like . . . I know there's a word for anti-progress, but hell if I can think of what it is. :)) Fluffeh said you despise your job right now, too, so maybe you can all move ouot here and we'll open a shop together. :))
hgkdvmrjgvenfdk I will just be shoving most of it into my many empty Sephora bags and handing them out. :)) :"> They even come with tissue paper, SO yes :D
Hm, what could we sell in our little shop? Bacon stickers? We can't be the only ones who like 'em!
Bags are my new best friends :)) I have to stop buying wrapping paper *looks at multiple rolls laying around unused*
Bacon paraphernalia and slash stuff? :)) Oh, the possibilities. . . .
We have so much wrapping paper in the basement it isn't funny >.> I still use some occasionally when I have no choice, though :D
Haha, I bet it would be a you think we'd need to have a back door so the slashers could sneak in for their get-togethers and such? :))
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