OMG i need to rant

Nov 29, 2007 20:14

ok, so i mainly hang out with these two people, lets call them june and candace for arguments sake.  anyways, june has this problem with me being vegetarian.. or at least what i eat because of it.  so in the lunch room at dinner (the only meal i ever even eat) EVERY FUCKING DAY SHE COMPLAINS ABOUT WHAT I EAT AND HOW GROSS IT IS!!!!  i eat stir-fry and rice every day... but she has to tell me that the rice looks like maggots and the onions look like worms... all this just because her parents never actually made her eat anything new and she is in a rut with what she eats... she won't ever try anything new.
i did get used to it, but lately, all she says is something to be a humongous bitch.  so today, during dinner, i just told her that she needs to shut up about it, because i don't tell her that how sick i think the meat she eats is.  i've never made an issue about me finding it wrong or anything. and so she says, "well, i guess i just won't talk anymore." and i said, "fine."
then candace, who was my best friend took junes side saying that i need to get over things.  so i didn't talk to her anymore either and she just kept glaring at me... i'm sorry i got tired of june being a bitch to me and candace should know me well enough to know that i won't just sit there and not stand up for myself.

although i felt better when someone that apparently sat near us yesterday too told me that he was surprised that i didn't punch her yesterday. which leads to what happened yesterday.

but first what leads to it...

#1. i'm 22
#2 last year i had an issue with a guy that told me he was 20 (while i was 21) and i gave him my phone number COMPLEATLY for WoW, and he turned out to be a 14 year-old kid that had decided that he had fallen in love with me.  seeing some of myself as a younger kid in him, i wasn't just going to start ignoring him, he may have done something stupid... i had even convinced him that running away from home wasn't the right thing to do.  and besides, ignoring an issue won't make it go away.  i even made him let me talk to his mother so she knew what was going on.
#3 i like F T Island which their age ranges frp, 15-17.. although i don't think of them in a dirty way
#4 as what was on a previous entry, i'm on facebook and in a thing which is called 'human pets' my owner being only 17 (although he'll be 18 in a few days) and i tease him and call him master and all that... he's an aussie, it's not like he's gonna show up at my dorm room wanting to fuck or something...

so, on to what happened yesterday.

june was bringing up the whole issue of #2 and #4 and calling me a pedophile... which pisses me off because not only were we in a public area, but i'm not a pedophile.  i don't appriciate being called one.  and as she did today, candace took junes side when i told her to shut up saying that i need to learn how to take a joke.  i had told candace not even a full week ago that i kinda felt like one, because of issue #3.  granted, i don't think of them romantically, but the fact that when i was looking for their music, i found so much with them in what would be considered compromising positions that anyone under 18 won't be allowed to be in pictures in the US... i felt that i was looking at kiddie porn.

i'm pissed that my 'so called' best friend would take the side of someone else when she knows that it was upsetting me.

anyways, that's the end of my rant...


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