Only a fool would be out in this

Apr 03, 2011 21:25

and I was that fool, back on Thursday, March 31st. I brought my trusty Rays umbrella on my walk. After two weeks of being slammed with work, eating my lunch at my desk just to keep my head above water, I gave the proverbial "FUCK IT" and stepped outside if for nothing more than a change after two weeks. I miss my walks. Granted, my walk wasn't long, as you'll see why below, but after being half soaked, particularly my shoes and the shins of my pants, it was kinda rewarding for the bit of a "reset" button I gave myself:

Anywho, PICS:

This is one of many downspouts that were ejecting water off of I-4 overhead

You can kind of tell the amount of water just flowing into the drainage...

I'm hoping you can tell the amount of deluge that was happening

Here's a curiosity that I've NEVER noticed before: There's an actively used office in the 2nd floor of the train depot at Church Street Station. Last I heard, Pearlman of NSync and Backstreet Boys creation fame bought this building was going to put one of his NYPD pizza joints back in the day, but after all his lawsuits and trouble, I figured the building was empty, to be one day revitalized et al. Will wonders never cease...

More rain shots. This is under the main overpass on Church Street between 55W and the bar strip. On some of these narrower streets, the wind was whipping around so fiercely that I hadn't the foggiest clue as to which direction it or the rain the was coming from. I think on this part of the block is where not only I got the most water damage, but my glasses decided to fog up something fierce.

Other things that have happened in the past couple of weeks: The director of IT took a new team, Data Management, of which I'm part of (at least for the time being) out to Mojo's. It's a Cajun restaurant. It has seemed to receive much fanfare, at least from other employees in the building. That night was my first time trying it. Overall verdict: Not bad. Certainly would qualify as good eats to most folk, but if you've ever lived within a 4-hour window of N'Orleans, it's pretty much what I deem as americanized (i.e. a bit bland but just seasoned enough to make most americans go gaga over it). Disney is chock full of these types of restaurants, if you get my meaning.

Anywho, a spell ago I showed you some lighting and such, but since it was the middle of day, they weren't on. On the way back to the parking garage after dinner, they were on but I just wished it was a bit darker outside. Pics:

Oh yea, and early one morning, as I was coming down Central and turned onto Division to get to work, a cop pulled out from the police station and noticed I had a headlight out:

Just wanted ID. No proof of insurance, no title, nothing. Guess a background check was enough to note I'm not a criminal nor have an outstanding warrant, and a warning telling me to get 'er fixed else it's a $140 ticket.
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