Comment on a spoiler for 3.11 from a Kripke interview

Jan 28, 2008 21:28

I found this on supernatural_tv, and I just had to comment on something in it.

Chris in Bishopville, South Carolina: SUPERNATURAL! What's coming up?!
What's here is an in-depth spoilery Q&A with show runner Eric Kripke! Also, here's what Kripke says about Dean's impending trip to Hades...Yes, you heard me, hell! "The episode 'Mystery Spot' is airing on Valentine’s Day, I think. And 'Mystery Spot' is a Groundhog’s Day episode where Sam keeps reliving the same Tuesday over and over and over again, and at the end of every Tuesday Dean dies. And no matter what, it’s actually a pretty funny episode. We killed Dean in every conceivable way. He gets electrocuted, he gets botulism, he’s hit by a car, he’s crushed by a desk, you know he’s shot a couple of times, he’s hit with an arrow. It's a totally fun episode. It’s actually kind of meaningful, and we play-I think it hits what Supernatural does best, it’s funny one moment and emotional the next. This obviously freaks the hell out of Sam, having to watch Dean die over and over again."

Botulism?  Botulism?  *snort*  So, what, does he eat apple pie made from a bad batch of canned apples?  You just knew his stomach would get him in trouble one of these days.

supernatural, spoilers

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