Oct 30, 2004 03:27
"A wise man once said, "Know thyself...". And that man's name, was TATERNUTS!"
Ok, so that had no baring whatsoever on my current thought pattern, but I felt it needed to be said. Those whom actually understand it's origin get a cheers from me.
This world is infected with the uninformed. All youth so quick to pass judgment on the establishment, based on MTV's "Choose or Lose" which is so obviously backed monetarily or otherwise by the Kerry campaign, or on the "popular opinion" spewed from coffee shops and every "uptown" area in every major city nationwide.
All of you don't see the true picture.
I'm not republican. I'm not democrat. I'm not labeled. Right wing...left wing....it's all nonsense. Gay, straight, black, white, true false....FACADE!
That's the major problem with this nation...or even this world as a whole. All so consumed with stuffing people into their own little corner, putting the proper name tag on them, and judging them accordingly. What a fucking joke.
Bush will win, because he's the right man for the job. Kerry will lose, because he murdered innocent Vietnamese children, killed livestock, and selfishly promoted his political career on the stance of being a war hero...
When I'm 80 years old, I'm gonna be laughing at all of this...because it's all just so fucking ridiculous.
What shocks me, is that I can still to this day hold feelings deep inside me for a woman who shares the exact opposite political opinion that I do. I guess it all comes back to the one main point I've attempted to put across....
Labels don't fucking matter...people matter.