Apr 30, 2009 19:52
This one is how I fail at basic human functions when confronted by hockey players, but it has a happy ending!
I had a conference with my workshop professor this morning at ten. Now, let's get this out in the open. I *never* wake up before ten. Ever. Well, unless my family's in town. AND it's raining outside, so I am not in a good mood. The only thing that keeps me so damn jolly is the possibility that I might catch the next person who had a conference with Margaret on my way out. This person was none other than the hockey player in my class. (No, the sole reason I signed up for that block of time was not so that this would happen. It was actually the only block that fit in my schedule...and if I could run into said hockey player, well, all the better!) After talking for about 15 minutes, I left and was headed down the stairs. Who should I run into but Bill (the hockey player). He asked me how it went. I told him it was okay and nothing to worry about. We said goodbye and went our separate ways.
I can probably tell you what each of us was thinking:
Bill: This person is in my class. I should probably say hi or something.
Me: OMG!!!! A HOCKEY PLAYER IS TALKING TO ME!! Wait, what did he say?
Yeah. This is the kind of loser I tend to be...So, in my excited state that I actually was able to hold even a really really short conversation with a hockey player, I apparently forgot how doors work. The next door I came upon had a handle (not a push bar thing), and I tried to push it open.
How does this have a happy ending, you say. After getting some breakfast at Shriver, I was off to my MGT402 class in Laws Hall, and I ran into Bill. Yes, again. A little unexpected, but he is a Finance major (Laws Hall houses the business school...until next year, that is), so it's not improbable. Anyway, so now I have a hockey player who acknowledges my existence in public! I just wish it wasn't just two class days before our final finals week.
Two other things (may be three, actually):
1.) I found out that the book I'm reading should not have actually been in stores until tomorrow. Yeah! Also, it apparently has an extra section in it that wasn't in the original hardback...it wasn't meant to be in there, but there you have it. I feel like I've done something wrong, but there's no way I could have known.
2.) I'm sick of people who have never read the Dan Brown books featuring Robert Langdon saying that they’re offensive. Most of these people, not to stereotype, happen to be conservatives. People, IT’S FICTION!!! Honestly! Yes, some of the things are based on fact, but, once again, it’s fiction. I dunno, I guess I’m just tired of the silent scorn I get when I talk about how much better Angels & Demons was than The DaVinci Code and the tone of contempt when a few people say that I’m excited for the movie, even though The DaVinci Code was boring.
This kind of ties into my disdain for how a lot of people I know have been acting since Obama took office in January. One of my friends today said she believed that this whole media coverage about Swine Flu is to cover up “how much Obama has screwed up.” I was kind of happy when Cambra shot her down, even the least bit, saying that, though that the strand of Swine Flu mostly found currently in the US is pretty much just like a normal flu, it could mutate and become deadly. I don’t know. I’m just frustrated with all the Republicans I’m constantly surrounded by. Well, not exactly *them,* but their conservative points of view.
End Transmission.