Just say no to Marky Mark

Jan 06, 2009 21:05

Honestly I've never cried this much in my entire life. I can remember times that I've cried do to sadness and pain but nothing compares to this. Every few minutes I start crying all over again. Did someone die? No. It's over a book...... yeeeeeeaaaaah. The thing is I've read this book before, I knew I'd cry here and there but I wasn't expecting to burst into tears like at least twice a chapter. I'm scared I think my eyes and or emotions are broken. I seriously don't remember crying this much the first time.

Oh and the book is "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold. It's about a teen age girl that is brutally raped and murdered, she watches her family and friends try to cope with that and the fact that the murderer gets away. I mean come on! It's making me cry. I actually found out today that they are making a movie based on the book. I was super excited and I literally was thinking to myself the other day that this would make a really great movie. So to hear that it was being made into a movie was excited until i saw two things: 1. It was directed by Peter Jackson and 2. Mrky mark plays the dad.

Those two things will kill the movie! Kill it! Jackson directed the KingKong remake and the LoTR movies all of which i couldn't sit through. So he has that strike against him. And Marky Mark? Are you bloddy kidding me? Mark Wahlberg is suppose to be Jack Salmon? No. No. No. He doesn't have the range. A friend once told me "it's like directors tell him "Mark i want you to look at the screen and try to do complex math in your head" the dude has one face. Confused." Jack is a complex character whose entire life is turned upside down after his daughter's death. He... mark.... just NO.

Oh and i hate my room mate. With a passion

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