
Aug 22, 2005 06:35

I'm pretty disappointed I only updated six times this summer. I'm even more disappointed in the fact that this year is almost over and I only have a months worth of entries. I remember previous years when I would post all the time. I guess maybe I really did run out of things to say? Or maybe nothing interesting ever happens to me anymore? I don't know.

Anyway, I constructed a graph to illustrate my point.

Yeah, it's a shame. So somebody tell me to update every now and then.

I've been seeing a lot of these gay ass "I miss summer" bulletins and blogs on myspace, lately. Am I seriously the only one who hates the shit out of summer? I graduated high school many moons ago, so three months sans school doesn't really get my panties wet like it used to. Neither does ONE HUNDRED DEGREE FUCKING WEATHER. I swear it's too fucking hot to do anything, anyway. Perhaps I'm just bitter that everyone all around me is out having the time of their lives, scoring a plethora of memories, and I'm not. Whatever. Fuck you. Summer is fucking useless. Winter for life.

In other news, my relationship with Hollister has officially come to an end. Yup, I got fired. Apparently, I "don't work", I "stand around and talk too much"; when I "actually do work, it's not quite good enough." Oh, but I've shown I'm "capable of doing a bad ass job," but apparently, I "never do it." I'm still trying to figure out what that means exactly. Whatever. What really boils my bacon though, is that I was actually going to quit last week. But yet I somehow allowed myself to be talked into staying. Yeah, that turned out to be a REAL wise decision. I swear, I hate being fired. Every job I've ever had I've been fired from. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, but I guess not. On the plus side, I did manage to meet some really awesome people. If I manage to stay friends with any of them remains to be seen, but I'm definitely glad I met them. So yeah, fuck you, Hollister, and the fucking horse you rode in on. At least there is still the SBC Center where I still get paid to "stand around and talk too much."

I posted a myspace blog regarding this, but it's just too important to not discuss here. The Andy Milonakis show. Quite possibly the most retarded fucking show ever. Seriously. I watched at least two episodes just to make sure it wasn't just one particular episode that was bad, but that they all were. Oh man, where to begin? Okay in the first episode, he starts washing his hair with conditioner, and then the conditioner somehow takes control of his mind and orders him to do a bunch of gay things. I didn't think it could get any worse, but then I saw the next episode. Andy Milonakis and some fag were playing with this doll, and Andy pulled down the dolls pants and started sticking its ass in that one fags face, and that fag just kept laughing and laughing. And that was the whole skit. Okay, that might have been funny if I was in the second grade. And I seriously doubt its core audience is comprised of second graders. Jesus Christ, MTV isn't even trying anymore. They're like Fox: reloaded. It reminds me of that Seinfeld episode, where Jerry and George were trying to pitch their tv show to the NBC people and Russel Dowlripple asked George, "well, why am I watching this? and George so succinctly replied, "because it's on tv." Yeah. Fuck you, Andy Milonakis. And Fuck you, MTV.

Why the hell is there an r before the p in surprise? Who seriously pronounces it SURPrise. I say SUPrise. So it should definitely be spelled that way. In fact, I just recently realized it wasn't. I swear, I hate the english language sometimes.

And I'm leaving for Florida on Wednesday. So yeah.
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