
Jan 31, 2005 19:25

wow it was crazy some fuck head that loves are government was saying how good are president is and how good is to live in the good old u.$.a i said fuck the us its a fucking nazi land you just don't know it its all under ground and the hole fight started cuz i did'ent stand for the plague of allegiance fuck that never aim going to stand for that gay shit i plague to my self i said if i get up and that wean that fuck head started telling me shit fuck that guy its fucking stupid aim sick and tired of all these fucking idiots fucking talking about how good this country is i said look at your self what good as the government done for you and he said " they gave me an education" that about it that all there ever going to give you they don't care if you go to collage or if you don't cuz they know if you don't they can have you for there killing machine the ARMY and as far as it goes aim not going their fuck no aim not why do you think you can drop out wean your 17 so wean you 18 you can sign in so In that one year that your out of school you realize that your wasting your life so then all those fucking dumb commercials come on and they say join the army do all you can be or be all you can be well you can be all you can be by going to school and going to collage and getting a degree on something and make this world a but better so in that fuck Gorge. W. bu$h and love your country and hate you government LOVE-PEACE-UNITY CHRIS TORRES (dosent mean i cant lisen to punk even if am into psychobilly/rockabilly)
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