Rain, Rain and MOOOOORE RAIN

Jan 09, 2010 19:17

A looooong time passed since the last time I posted something here, I miss this thing xP
So, I hope you all have spent a good Christmas and New Year!!

On New Year's Eve, I went to a supermarket buy somethings when I slipped on the wet floor ... My knee still hurts. I have no luck with  parties and this things at year's end, so maybe I do not like them...

This Christmass I have passed with my friends... It was really funny, like always...
It was hot and raining, like always...

By the wy, what the hell is happening with weather this year?? Here in São Paulo its raining soooooo much that some streets are flooded. It seems like a river. And the places close to rivers are just being invaded by water... Cities had been destroyed, people die and lost all their things, money, houses...

I'm lucky that the place where I live was not any tragedy like this ... Here even overflows, but very close places in a horrible situation.

All Brazil is suffering with all this insanity... Some places 'cause of lot of water, others for lack of it!
Today is very hot, but it rained and I bet all they want that in some parts of the city water must have taken all again...

So these are my news. They are not good and not happy, my knee still hurts and I lost a notebook with fanfics ...

The only good thing about all this was that I bought a shirt Gazerock Is Not Dead, I cut my hair and I saw the GazettE's new live. *____________*

Soon I'll bring some graphics for you...

off: random

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