Aug 05, 2006 00:08
not sure what i should actually put on here or what i shouldn't but u know what i dont give a fuck cause no one can do shit to those even give a fuck anyway about what i think. Like they ever cared what i think. Im talking about Leah. its been many weeks and i still have this part of me that feels like a shithead. I hate that i cant forget. It eats me up inside that i let her use me like i was some kind of door nob...and i figured out through my dear friend ian how heartless she really is. That night destroyed be and at the same time made me rethink my actions towards people.
yeah i really shouldnt care what i put on here...not like anyone i know will either i mean towards her or whatever. i just need to completely let it all go...all my grudges...just totally erase pretty much all of last school year. Not like she hasnt wrote her nastyness in any of her entries which she has blocked me from. Anyhow that girl is and i repete a heartless person who appreciates no kindness whatsoever, and lives in a complete fantasy world. The only good thing that has come from our friendship was ian, and she didnt even introduce me to him, it was i that made her take me that too is nothing to me.
ian has just been an amazing friend to me through and through. I mean the guy loves me and would do anything for me. I guess i feel the same sometimes. I can see us being roomates and stuff. He's just that fun of a person. I dont totally think hes extremely reliable but that part of my thinking is starting to change. i stop my talkin now b4 someone tries to blackmail me...heh...heh
tootles all and a good night